People who contribute more to society than /u/SpaceEdge

123  2019-04-26 by TheWelfareMan


Bobo never stole no vape pens, just suckered a few rubes into paying for his whore sister's European cock tour.

How much do those vape pens even cost? $30? What a loser lol.

Retailer for 49.95 not kidding.

I would have just bought the fat cunt one if I knew it wasn't going to be hocked for heroin

So he pawned it for $20.

Seriously. That thing had to be $50 at most. I still can't believe that actually happened

To be fair, he was actually reaching for his wallet but got lost in a cross-eyed haze

Ol' clenched fists bobo.

Fists clenched - Check

Shorts - Check

Anthony Cumia apparel - Check

Mets hat - Check

Yep. He's retarded alright.

No smile - check

Autism - check

”m’Beet ‘da m’Bets”

Why does he always clench his fists? Is it a retard thing to do that?

He's mad at God

I would be too.

No fear when stepping over an abyss, check.

Names his dog Mr. Muloonigan = unable to be phased into society

Gnarled dick - ✅

I can't look at him anymore without thinking "Your sister had her asshole fingered by one of the ugliest men alive within eyeshot of a ceramic raptor".

Can you please elaborate? I took an extended break from this sub and don't know what you are talking about

Ask bobo. He loves talking about it.

Anthony did it

But why would his sister allow him to do it?

I can’t recall the details but I think she might not have allowed it.

How did we learn about this? Was it brought up on someones show?

If I remember correctly, it came from one of Danny Ross’s threads

Thanks for the info!

That's a tough one man. On one hand Ant serves these "adult sodas" that make children sleepy and on the other we never acknowledge it.

Because she was likely too young to be able to legally consent. Therefore, not mentally capable of understanding the consequences of being fingered by an undead terror

Jesus Ant.

Joe Cumia drinks child spit, Anthony likes trannies. Patrick is a fat fuck.

Scorch is PFG, Terry Clifford is a sweet and kind women.

Saint Mel is just that.

What a sweet summer child.

Seriously, what's with the clenched fists?

He must think that's a 'natural' standing pose for pictures, but it just makes him look like he's got a watermelon shoved up his Ass.

Ahh Big A!

Nice shirt, stupid.


truly a miracle of nature that he's still alive.

i would say its also a failure of natural selection but he won't breed so it's all in good fun :)

how about he guy who supposedly hung himself yesterday after a reddit post?

Wha happened?

I guess he posted saying he was going to An Hero, most just called him a fag

God I'd like to chest kick him off there.

This! Is! Retarda!


I upvoted myself

Lmao why's bobo get shit on do much? He's got a legitimate intellectual disability

cuz he’s retarded


Is that Chicago? Did he finally leave Queens for once? Good for him.

let's not go crazy here

"I'm the tard in the box...rub my nose in shit!"

Waaaaaaatch myyyyyy siiiiiister get fingered

I would like to see this retard trip and end up as a pile of mush on the sidewalk.

eye've reeeched dee ends of dee erth awwroite

I saw this yesterday and legitimately thought it was Jim

Bobo hanging from his retarded noose.

Shouldn't his t-shirt be tucked into his underwear?