You just know this pisses him off.

74  2019-04-25 by Officer_McGrady


Holy shit, 88 subscribers? u/patrickstomlinson you are a big fat failure.

I've had almost as many subscribers on old YouTube accounts and I never even released a video. Patrick is pathetic.

All you need is a profile pic of a hot chick and you would dwarf those numbers. Maybe that's why Pat is constantly advocating violence against women.

He unsubscribes people on purpose for this sole reason.

Dumb fuck knows he won't get 1400 more so this is good enough for him

88 = Heil Hitler. He isn't even being subtle anymore.

He has 13,167 total views on his videos since 2011. The documentary is on track to beat him in a week's time.

I just noticed it's "Jirn", I was wondering what the tubby was talking about in that other thread.

Atleast 80 of those are sub members. I personally subscribe so i can downvote every video.

One of rare instances you don’t have to wait till 88 to see some serious shit.

This guy Fatrick is not just famous, he's IN-famous!

Porsalin's video from a week ago has more views than his entire channel. u/patrickstomlinson you stink, I could fit 88 people in my living room.

So half a Liz?

How did this nobody ever get a mention from Ben Shaprio? Did he paypal him on a livestream or something?

Whoa I never realized there are two different versions of that photo. Patrick has yet again amazed me.