Who would fuck drunk tranny Jimmy?

63  2019-04-25 by Shitpost-Ghost


Sue Lightning.

I’d do it for one of those Smirnoff Ice

I know you would, Reggie Ray.

Goddamn, I hate women.

Women are a necessary part of life and were made in the image of the Good Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Yeah but they forget their place nowadays, which is as subservient to her husband as he is subservient to the Lord.

I'm loving where this sub has been heading. God bless.

Praise Him.

who would do what? how sinful, my child. This is obscene and vulgar and has upset our blessed Lord in ways unimaginable. This is our blessed Lord’s daughter you speak so ill of, our sister. You’ve made our Father, Lord and Saviour weep angry tears. Blasphemous. 246 Hail Marys!

The Lord does not abide such jezebels.

It’s true that she has lost her way but this does not excuse the vile language and suggestions of amoral intimacy put forward by S-word Post Ghost. If he doesn’t change his ignorant ways, I fear our blessed Lord may take retribution by giving him Sam Roberts face. He must repent immediately. Amen 🙏🏻

Get a new username if you're gonna do this recurring character bit.

You’ve upset our blessed Lord. 23 Hail Marys.

Who da fuck tryna nut in my butt.

🤭 there is no hope for you, my child. I’m afraid it’s eternal damnation.

Pipe so deep feel it all in my gut.

The sensation of the Lord filling you up is a good and holy thing. Amen.

I'd tweet this to Jim if he were still relevant

Does he even have a Twitter?

Looks like Brit trash if I had to guess

No fucking doubt.

The Good Lord never falters, child.

This could be a rich one. That's how bad it is

The absolute state of English women

She looks like 80's fap and 90's girl culture. So this happened in 2016 because women are followers.

British women are hideous.

No argument here.

The men are no party

I would admit u/ffionhollyjames as contrary evidence

Why won't you people fix your teeth? I cannot fathom a girl with this many physical gifts having these uneven chompers.


Even worse when they smile

To think she slapped that all together looked at herself in the mirror and thought she looked pretty cool.

Some dude will approach her tell her she looks okay, bring her home, fuck her in the ass, then throw her out the window.

Window technicians need work, too, child. The Lord's plan provides for us all.

She looks sober to me.

Maybe you can turn her around

I would

LOLOLOL! She’s got TWO bottles of alcohol and she’s making a wacky face! This girl is so random!

Festivals are for completely unredeemable faggots to go to so they can manufacture a phony level of coolness. But shockingly, festivals are just places to get finger raped in a tent and not being able to shower it off for two days

Same image reposted in less than 2 months. Nice.


This is a London 8


She looks like she fucking reeks of old cheese and sardine oil. Horrendous.

Isnt that the Prime Minister?

This cunt is probably more competent and definitely more patriotic.

I can feel the limeyness permeating my screen

I legitimately thought this was Chick DiPaolo from the guys we fucked podcast

I definitely would. She kinda looks like Chip

I would but wouldn't be proud.

Rub mustard on it and fart in it's face.

Have I been drinking?

Are her arms moving quickly or really slow?

I guess so slow.

Fanny pack