Patrick, how does it feel to know that your daughter will grow up considering your ex’s new husband as her father?

35  2019-04-25 by Officer_McGrady



/u/patrickstomlinson is a coward who won't reply to this or any posts like it. He's full of shit and gets pretty tight lipped when he can't change the posts like on his website or block people that trigger him as on Twitter.

Don't ever forget that his one foray into mainstream political attention was his dumb abortion analogy and when Ben Shapiro called it out as juvenile and simplistic... This pundit, this rabble rouser, this giant of the political and publishing worlds challenged Shapiro to a debate to back up his position and took the opportunity to get his grievances and political aspirations on the national stage and be the hero and intellectual he always wanted to be and told dumb girls in bars he was!

Just kidding, he blocked Shapiro on Twitter and refused to reply to people asking him about it because he's a fucking fraud and a coward with nothing to say that he didn't rephrase or repackage from somewhere else.

Thank you for pointing out what a failure and coward u/patrickstomlinson is. He’s a complete, 100% fraud.

How’s it feel, fucker?

She'll never know Fatrick's name. Adrienne has no reason to tell her kid about her ex-husband.

She will also notice how much louder mommy screams when he is ravaging her sloppy wet vagina, rather than the seal barking grunts and the appeals to hurry up she heard from the parents room before.

If for some odd reason Patrick is the father, the daughter should pull a Shaun King and claim the father is someone else.

While Shaun King should pull a Chester Bennington for the amusement of all.

He probably fucks better too.

Probably? Have you seen the guy? Big dick face if ever there was one. Have you seen Patrick's ex wife? Compare her haunted, vacant expression in pictures with Patso to the glowing, radiant woman in photos with Donkey Dong Jonathan. No contest!

Ive seen Patricks baby dick. Its very small and insignificant. Her new husband surely has a mammoth cock compared to his little noodle.

If you saw this dick, you must be an unaccompanied minor at GenCon.