I just finished reading, Gate Crashers. AMA!

15  2019-04-23 by CrackerGoodyear


Does purchasing a work by Patrick Tomlinson automatically put you on some sort of sex offender watchlist?

The forms are included with each purchase!

Why are you still alive.

You know what you have to do.

Because if that talentless faggot can make even one dollar off his shitty book, anything is possible!

How'd you like the parts with the child molestation?

The part when the protagonist taught the gender-non-conforming alien child to play, "Hide my rocket ship," was a surprising twist, especially considering that up to that point, he had always killed his victims before raping them.

If anyone wants a good deal DM me I have a few sites that have it on sale.

Deep discount?

Thank YOU deep discount

Is it true the words “nigger” and “cum” are said nearly 300 times in the book?

More like 3,000! Chapter 12, "I Hate Niggers" is just the phrase, I hate niggers, written over 400 times.

I mean, maybe Patrick isn't so bad.

I think he actually has that tandem of words 300 times in one paragraph.

How important is the Gate?

Very important, although not in the way you may think. The "Gate" is actually a metaphor for the hymen of the protagonist's daughter. The "Crasher" is, you guessed it!

His penis.

I do enjoy a good twist.

What's your honest assessment of Gate Crashers?

Dunno, didn't actually read it! I'm just lonely and desperate for attention, no matter the cost or degree of humiliation!

The joke is indeed on me then


your being redundant at this point



you are onto something

if i could read a some of his books without having to pay id love to enjoy finding the lifted jokes and plot lines plus and cringe worthy dialogue

if anyone wants to dm me the pdf’s thats on them, id never sanction that kind of behavior personally

did you have nothing else better to do?

Do you feel the urge to fornicate with children of your same sex child?