So here's the shit the admins are deleting

215  2019-04-22 by OkaySeriouslyBro

We've got "Anti-Evil Operations" making changes in our mod log which means the admins are coming in to remove certain shit.

  1. Spaceedge's real name. A lot of us know it, don't post it, don't post it in a cute way. More than anything spaceedge wants us to post it so he can get this sub shut down and "win", don't give that junkie fuck the benefit of the doubt.

  2. Posts about Patrick's biggest fan, aka the "pretty little psycho", specifically her full name. I know that her instagram profile contained her full name, but she's obscure enough that I guess she qualifies. Try calling her Liz if you're gonna shit on her.

  3. Posts about Patrick are fine, but posts impersonating Patrick aren't. Even when it's obvious. One of the posts they removed was literally just "Hello, I'm Patrick S. Tomlinson and I'm gay".


Good mod work

And to think a certain gelatinous walleyed thief could've avoided everything with a different delivery of his requests

lay off the hamburgers liz you big fat pig

And shave your whiskers!

Yeah, but then she would lose her equilibrium.

And stop pretending you're a Nazi fighting badass. You're not. Fuck off back to obscurity, cat lady. You're not an author either, so cut that out as well.

If you play Patrick games, you're gonna win Patrick prizes.

Why is that place called "IncelSelfies" and not "Incelfies"?

Idk but holy fuck.. I've read white supremacist pamphlets with more convincing material than the propaganda they are spewing to those faggots

Yeah, actual incels are a fucking hoot. I used to pester them in the Braincels subs. After a while it got boring, they literally all just recite the same wacky bullshit over and over again like they're reading it off a script. A lot of them are just frustrated creeps blowing off steam, but there's plenty of legitimate nutjobs in that little community that believe every word of it.

Unsurprisingly, there's a few of them that post here.

they literally all just recite the same wacky bullshit over and over again

What, they have like manifestos and shit to make them feel better?

I imagine it's like that annoying Fight Club crap about "giving up to societies demands to feel better about yourself?". So you can be happy dating a girl who steals laundry and calls you to talk about how she wants to kill herself.

That's pretty much right on the head. They call it "The Black Pill", that's the name they gave to their ridiculous little brand of nihilism. That's their Project Mayhem, to "spread the black pill".

That’s so gay. The whole red pill/blue pill thing has been hack for years, now they’re adding another pill to the mix?

What, they have like manifestos and shit to make them feel better?

I have a friend, 27 year old virgin, super blackpilled. He won't ever send it to me, but he told me he has written a manifesto. He's a complete loon, is borderline e-stalking a number of Instagram fitness thots, and whenever I disagree with him that not 100% of women are all whores, all he can say is "cope!"

Birds of a faggot

Elliot Rodger is like their modern day messiah/latter-day saint.

Going out missing out on your primary target because a door is locked then settling for random people walking around sounds exactly like an Incle hero.

The first three people he killed were his chinamen roommates. He failed before he even left the house.

I saw a video of him set to Walk-in on Sunshine and I never stopped laughing. I'm still laughing to this day.

they literally all just recite the same wacky bullshit over and over again

Who could imagine such a place.

On a completely unrelated note; Anthony Cumia, of Opie & Anthony fame, is a child grooming, pedophile, racist, alcoholic lost in obscurity. So is his older brother, Joseph Cumia.

"I've read white supremacist pamphlets with more convincing material "

Yeah, because you can't find a lie.

My favorite comment from that thread:

Yes. You're a pig.

Sorry, it's true.

Then the AnimalFactsBot came along and left a nice little remark.

Man, it would be a shame if someone made a Fatrick S. Blumpkinson parody Twitter that he had no recourse to stop as it conforms to the rules of the platform.

I am pretty sure that guy likes to say "nigger" a lot so yeah... what a monster

I heard he was kicked off Facebook for commenting on random baby pictures using that word, he was writing it in capitals too.

air raid sirens begin

The admins love us, always have.

They clearly support our crusade against violent pedophiles

The admins love the direction of the sub

If we've learned anything it's that having "no management" is bad for the humor department.

That Tim Disciple is a real piece of shit.

Classic Tommy Edge

His 80's prog rock albums were pretty good, tho.

Stop trying to be cute!

Am I allowed to make a doodle of P.S.T. and have a bubble coming from his mouth saying "I'm stupid and have subpar talent in writing science fiction novels"

If it's not allowed, I won't do it.

Just trying not to break any rules here.

Pretty sure he can get copyrighted images removed because of DMCA takedowns, but so far the admins are only removing text posts.

I think your clearly exaggerated caricatures of individuals connected with the sub falls under the umbrella of parody and original art.

We'll put, the kinda adminfag we can get behind

how exaggerated? Does he need to be sucking on 4 or more penises?

I’d say 5 if you want to play it safe

I thought parodies were supposed to be exaggerated?

What if we had an artist just replicate all the patrick selfies for general use here?

One of the posts they removed was literally just "Hello, I'm Patrick S. Tomlinson and I'm gay".

He sure had me fooled.

Call her Big Liz

Big Liz The Bearded Lady

Biiig Liiizzz, compressing my mattress into a diamond, ah Biiig Liiizzz.

Just don't call her late for dinner!

Seriously, she'll rough you up....

I pitched Lizzly Bear twice but nobody bit so I suppose my only option is to throw my considerable weight behind Big Liz.

I thought it was great. Prefer Glizzly Bore but I thought Lizzly is just fine as is.

or Thin Lizzy, ironically. "A noise when snacking down, a noise when snacking down... She makes a noise when snacking dow-ow-ow-ow-own."

I liked Grizzly Liz myself.

Imagine being such a fat cunt loser that you complain to internet police to solve a problem you created.

I'm taking about all three of those losers.

It's his wife. It's all about his google results.

Right. She's runs an SEO company and is actively trying to combat our results

Just means working smarter. We should probably hold one of our incel nazi trump conferences.

I'll bring fruit punch.

I'll bring the cyanide.

I guess I'll bring cups


She must be corrrected.

Call Patton.

The internet police AND the state police. We dun goof'd.

Turk February on youtube got his account taken down today or yesterday for breaching Youtube guidelines, I wonder if Fatrick had anything to do with it?

How is Ted doing?

I like that they leave our posts that endlessly mock the Cumias.

They probably made a few.

Thank you for protecting us. We sometimes misbehave

I genuinely feel sorry for the PLS and Fat's second wife.

It's like... a friend of Fat is just an enemy that hasn't yet realised what a PoS he is.

PoS Tomlinson is his new name.

Fair enough, thanks for the heads up.

Just don't ban me for calling you a faggot like SpaceCuck did.


For any mod, it goes without saying. Now imagine what a reddit admin is like?

Criminals like spaceedge love to use loopholes in the law to garner victim status or brag about their innocence. Typical junkie criminal sociopath behavior.

Hello I'm definitely not Patrick S. Tomlinson but he's gay.

Did they remove the zoom in on her chin fuzz for being identifying?

Your upfront honesty should be appreciated. I will say, though, number three? That was actually him.

Fun fact: the guy who posted "Hello, I'm Patrick S. Tomlinson and I'm gay" was banned entirely from Reddit, not just the sub.

Well that's not fun at all...

I'm sure a lot of us are shadowbanned too but just don't know it.

What the fuck?

It was a throwaway shitpost, It didn't even get that much attention.


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I'm assuming the Reddit admins are still fine with pirating Nike sneakers:


...and obviously they're fine with having a sub dedicated to outright criminal fraud as well:

...but God forbid you make fun of some bearded heffalump!

That dude is quite the lolcow, fyi.

There’s several subs dedicated to counterfeiting goods; high end clothes, sneakers, watches. All good stuff though right, Reddit idiots? Oh, someone called a mouthy bitch fat?! Release the hounds!

Well, I don't know what kind of off-site promotion is acceptable here but you are all more than welcome to post in It's a parody sub and as such has every right to mock him in any way.

Just curious /u/OkaySeriouslyBro what does that actually look like in the mod log? Does it say an admin removed it? Because I can totally see them using the term "Anti-Evil Operations" like complete faggots. I'm genuinely curious, I'd tell you if I wasn't.

wow, what a fucking gay ass website this is.

That is gay as fuck.

Wow. Gay....fucking shit.

Hey /u/BigGreenYamo - did we have much activity from "Anti Evil Operations" back at the old sub?

If I recall correctly, not really. Every once in awhile, the admins would get a hard-on for the sub, and start removing things for a day or so. That usually happened every third month or so. That would usually come with a "reign your shit in, or we're shutting down the sub" dick-wagging message from an admin who wouldn't reply any further.

But every so often, there would be a random thread or five removed with no explanation, from a username that was not a mod. I think it was Anti Evil Operations, but I'm not sure. If not, it was some equally fucktarded name.


My alt got suspended from reddit for 3 days, just for naming SpaceEdge in the same way Principal Skinner tried to keep Lisa Simpson anonymous. But this is indicative to what I was saying in my long, faggy post: SpaceEdge is farming interest to the reddit admins about shutting THIS place down, while his site is private. Wouldn't put it past this cocksucking piece of shit to get this place shut down, then re-open r/opieandanthony RIGHT after. I'm going to assume that he's ratting every single user out to the admins, while (potentially) working with Tomlinson and Lynn to coordinate a take-down, or at the very least fashioning a short leash around this sub neck.

This is probably going to get worse before it gets better, because of that fat, junkie, walking disappointment.

That's my thought too. He lost mod powers at the nerdist sub, doesn't seem to have much of anything going on in real life. Getting his sub back is likely a win-at-all-costs goal for him.

And that other guy that posted here mentioned how - now that the old sub is set to private - that the feed in the "locked-down" sub, might be the invited users working out a plan on how to shut this place down. Getting in with SpaceEdge now (by working on shutting this place down), might guarantee them a mod position later on, if things pan out. Their users are probably here now, among us, watching and documenting.

He's coming in hot now, because he got doxxed and beaten. He doesn't think he deserved any of that, and he's incensed enough to take up this cause, beyond just winning back power. He has options and has ways of breaking this place up, and any other future place up, permanently.

He said he wanted to get this sub shut down in that album of mod talk screen shots.

I think you're right. Message the new plan of action if you have a minute. It sickens me that Piggo has the upper hand.

It's not just an "upper hand": He has the options to work with or around the system (like anyone adept at using this place), probably knows a bit more about the work arounds (since he was an admin), and is totally galvanized now because this place tarnished his personal life. So he's ready to throw hands, and he's pissed. It does us no good to just assume he's a moron or a junkie or whatever.

I am not Fatrick S. Tonsofgay, but he is the world’s biggest shitdick

Patrick S. Tomlinson is fat. Patrick S. Tomlinson is gay.

Any of you gifted nerds know how to make another internet?

It's called Voat

Didnt moot make that? Hes all in with Google and the infant eaters now. Such a shame

Moot made whatever that shit is

Isn't that where the TACS forums are, no?

I honestly could give a fuck about reddit or this sub at this point. Go ahead and let them rule their kingdom of ashes. I'll find something else to look at when I'm on my breaks.

Also they r banning people too... They banned Saiyanz and the cute emoji Girl.. That's sad i liked her posts and comments.... This sub is banning Poeple!!!!!!!!!

Ban this faggot.

Jesus christ life is hard enough without censoring yourself, almost all redditors are disconnected as fuck.

Pat and Liz. I don't care for them at all.


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posts impersonating Patrick

Does this apply to ending sentences with "child," little one?

Of course not, delicious child.

Number 3 seems like a stretch

We always have the PFG sub to go to!

r/scorch is our fallback position, we can set up another from there.

You can kill a sub, but you cannot kill an ideal.

You're protecting us from ourselves

Thanks for not being a total fag and just doing the bare minimum required to keep the admins off our ass.

"Hello, I'm Patrick S. Tomlinson and I'm gay".

Fuck, I really thought it was him.

Thanks for the transparency, Mods.

Liz Clarke

I can't wait till all this stupid shit shakes itself out and we can go back to making fun of the only Cumia in the media, Brovine Joe, and his little brother's best friend, Big A.

Sort yourselves out, fools.

These people and Joe are real who-gives-a-fuck peopls. Sorry, but they are.

Ok child

you guys killed my favorite sub :(

I don’t give a fuck what sub I’m on as long as I can shit on these dolts. Just tell me where to go
