Something I've noticed - or rather, haven't noticed - about this new sub has me concerned. I feel there is an emptiness that needs to be addressed, so please, hear me out.

19  2019-04-22 by CrackerGoodyear

We can still say "nigger" here, right?


I don't know, nigger. What do you think?

Nigger, spook, shine, moolie, moon cricket, porch monkey, darkie. Any slur you'd like, pal.

r/opienanthony - Honoring the past. Inspiring the future.

might i add

jungle bunny, tar baby, cumia, spade and for our friends south of the border mayate

What's summa them other hateful slurs we got?

Desktop link:

/r/HelperBot_ Downvote to remove. Counter: 252790

we need some racial slurs for these robots

bad bot


you forgot mooncricket

I didn't though

Alabama Windchime

This whole new sub shit has only made us faggots more ravenous. Just wait for the next slip up from Ant or Opie’s next classic tweet. The reaction will be fucking biblical. Also NIGGER!

Opie is not the enemy here.

Notice I said “classic tweet”. I fully realise that the Opester is a god around these parts. I personally have always thought of Opie as a radio genius and damn near a walking saint when it comes to putting up with tranny fucking pedos for over 20 years. The mans due a knighthood sharpish.

Can I call your mother a nigger dick loving harlot?

Listen here faggit, you worry about what can be said to or about you, rather than what we cannot say.

Got it, you fucking eunuch?

I should hope so. If the word doesn't come out of your mouth after being around them then you are not being honest with yourself.

Can we say "Trump?"

Orange niggers are almost people too.

Not only is it allowed but it's encouraged

The rest of us can, but you? You can't.