Fatrick: the voice of reason

49  2019-04-18 by A_TIME_TO_RAPE


There has to be a tiny Bolshevik Jew living in Patrick's brain pulling levers and pushing buttons to make him believe that's true. There's no other explanation I can think of to rationalize how someone can be that fucking stupid and naive

I assume he projects his childhood bullies onto republicans

Ding ding ding or his daddy.

Or the big dick republican who stole his wife

It's a hatred for the country and life in general. Hence is need to escape into fantasy. Sci fi, gay roleplaying games, etc.

That compulsive need to live as far away from reality as possible translates directly to leftism - the fantasy that Trump colluded, the fantasy that he is the protector of POCs, nazis lurking around every corner.

His type has deep, powerful pedophilic urges too.

Intolerant faggot

Really. If Fatrick had been denied a decent education and was living in some opioid zombie town and couldn’t afford health insurance he absolutely would have voted for Trump. People like him have been sneering at rednecks for years. Fuck them.

If Fatrick had been denied a decent education

By his own admission he dropped out of some shitty community college after one or two semesters. You're not dealing with some blue-blooded Ivy Leaguer here, he's an uneducated provincial slob posing as a metropolitan snob.

And a fag.

Yes, and that.

We like to joke around but Patrick would gladly genocide everyone who disagrees with him

People who don't love Star Wars more than the fading memory of their daughters don't deserve to live, child.

He reminds me of MovieBob in that regard.

What is the difference between Fatty Patty's mindset and a serial killer? NONE. This man is a danger to society at large. His hatred has consumed him and typical of him, its a dumb ass rage at that.

What an absolute illiterate nigger

There is not a single good person who voted for Trump.

He really is cartoonishly stupid.

All I can say is Trump 2020. Hopefully it will drive Fatrick and his ilk over the fucking cliff.

What a fucking childish thing to write. An adult just accepts that other people have differing opinions and that its not your place to counsel them unsolicited. I voted for Trump and Romney and Mcain. Never once did it cross my mind to try and cry and kick my feet about Obama or Hilary. Faggot liberals are the worst.

sometimes people are just wrong but to act like every person who disagrees with you is objectively evil or too stupid to reach their own conclusion is pretty ironic. he's the worst kind of person who believes he's on the right side of history and that's all that matters to him.

i also think it's pretty telling that someone like him views life in such black and white terms. he approaches politics like its another episode of star wars, fagprick thinks trump is palpatine and he's obi wan.

Punching people who vote for nazis is acceptable to him.

I don't see Himmler or Cumia on the ticket.

Is he twittering at Tom leykis?

His wife left him for a republican, that's why he can't see any nuance in politics. It's personal for fatty.