More groundbreaking journalism from our favorite British faggot.

19  2019-04-15 by CrackerGoodyear


Not that I'm biased or anything as my comments were in the video but that was pretty great. Sadly it won't get anyone new to jump in on the hate but still.

As long as Fatrick sees it, its a job well done. Just imagine the fat little baby tantrum he'll have when he finds out this exists, and that Porsalin's prose is superior to anything that hack could ever produce.

Also that Porsalin is not American will cause his brain to explode.

Mine were Too. despite porsalin not even diving into the fact that Patrick replied over 100 times on that youtube video.

He did mention he replied to everyone but yeah that's kind of an understatement.

Monkey paw strikes again. He wanted to be famous. Well soak it up.

this prick made an alt to not only bash beige but also plug his shitty patreon, then when he was found out he fucked off to "redban" or whatever it's called, go fuck yourself emo-haircut having fag.


beige may recite gay (redundant) poetry but he's our boy

Only thing that would've made this perfect is if SpaceEdge's actual photo was used.