Honeychild is down. Hit me up for an inv to the private sub.

3  2019-09-23 by ClintWiseblood


StarshipHefner also exists, though I guess it's for both fat losers.

Opieradio too

I want to join.


In please

I need to get in sweet summer child.

My main account is banned for 7 days, I need this alt in, sweet baked butter biscuit, child

you know i’d like an invite

Ad me please

I like privates

Send one plz

Add me faggot


Invite please

Can u invite me back? G4YN1GG3R got perma banned :(

Jesus christ, it's a fucking bloodbath out there. I might have to stick to posting with an alt outside this sub.

Ooh ooh can I get an invite

Can I get an invite brotherman?

Aren't you the guy that said "Why don't we nuke his sub"?

Nah, r/CompoundMedia, the one somewhat associated with Count Tranthula’s media empire. Your sub hasn’t been tainted by dirty Cumia blood. Though the excessive emoji use in this r/opieandfriends does creep me out on occasion, but I wouldn’t say I hate it. Kind of like a creepy path you walk by at night and only go down once you have some liquid courage. Certainly not worthy of excommunication?

You specifically referred to me and my sub. The comment is still up over at Sue's.

What did I say specifically?

In any event, rest assured t I don’t want to nuke you or your sub, I just want a place to shit on and indirectly harass the brothers/pedophiles Cumia like a good boy. Can’t you extend the olive branch for a fellow brotherman?

Please, sir

Not really much in your post history huh

He posted this two years ago in og sub. "How do I contact the admins? XOXO Long Time Lurker"

I like having an archivist. 👍

No...I'm just a lurker. But I was invited to a private sub like 7 subs ago. Had to provide O n A facts.

Child is a Child is a Child, Yes?


Ill take an add please

Let me get up in that

Add plz


Hey lemme in

Invite me in, child.

Invite me too please il suck your unclipped cock

Add me, child.

Invite please?


You have no Post history

How could you forget these classics:



can I get an invite?

You have no posts or comments in any of our subs.

yeah, I enjoyed lurking and having a chuckle. didnt know I had to participate other than giving the occasional upvote

Well, it is private for a reason.

Please! Goofing on Pat is funny, child

I can’t keep up with all these rotating subs ... invite to whatever’s current would be nice I guess

Invite me faggot

Add me please. This is my alt. Other account got banned when the 2 subs went down last week.