Anthony Cumia (2 races ago) and Keith the Cop at Epstein Island

15  2019-08-13 by iPadsFromPizzaFace


His shitty hair really is stapled on

jesus christ.

You know as soon as they got a chance they told them they were going to check out the island for research for the show.

Brundlefly lookin' mother fucker.

Keith's wife, aka Anthony's maid, second from the left who gets paid $60k a year to clean Anthony's shit stained underwear, decorate his tacky, gaudy McMansion, and hide evidence.

I heard that Keith cheated on his wife with a 15 year old in Ant's movie theater. Mind you this is just something I heard.

He also cheated on her with his Captian, while on duty. And fucked some R&F groupie in the pooper at some casino thing.

you're worse than a bitch that gets cheated on. let it go faggot. YOU CAN ACT LIKE A MAN

Do you like having this info or not?

I dunno why ur getting hate while ur dropping hot knowledge on our glass coffee table, keep it coming.

Decent tits tho

She does have nice beefers. You cannot hid that kind of quality.

Shower drain hair Cumia

why photoshop the G into a C on his wetsuit?

Keith's wife has a Jimmy Hill chin. A reference for the Brits.


Was he?

You have to say it like that non-faggot old man in the pub (Edge of Tomorrow). Now he was a beef-cake.

You've lost me.

Who’s the chick standing next to ghadaffis bastard son?