The face you make when ordering a medium burger to let them know they better not motherfucker you

52  2019-08-10 by pashow84


I dont want annnyyyy part of this burger

It's interesting how his 'acting' faces are so similar to the 'real' faces he pulls when he's interacting with people. Jim is the most contrived fraudster of the lot, nothing about his personality is genuine.

He’s a personality thief. He parroted everything Colin said. Colin moved on and is doing shit he wants to do, worm is stifled in a parasitic state with no host (hehe) to latch onto.

Well he could latch on to Sam

Two parasites feeding off of each other is not sustainable.

You don't think Jim's just a good actor? Genuinely able to channel his inner emotions?

I'm not sure....what to do with my face.

Why don't young hotties want to date this silver fox???

Was he wearing his pridefc shirt and maroon pants? I heard young biatches really dig those

For a guy who’s said time and time again that he hates late-period De Niro, he sure does emulate him a lot.

you wanna stick that in me?

I stole my act from two niggers, you believe that shit?

I hate him so much.

it's medium-well. I'm not going to eat it, I said medium you cunt.

She should have opened up his throat with a shattered pint glass.

She's not a fuckin' chooch

Is he trying to look like Colombo, bum glass eye and all?


Yeah, Jim would never order a medium burger

He stinks and I don’t like him.

I bet his acting coach and his personal trainer would have some great stories to share.

I'm glad he was molested