Sam and Jim bar rescue preview gave me a headache.

43  2019-08-10 by Dennyislife


What’s Jim’s advice for making the bar better? “Hmmm that’s a tough one. Have you tried a 12 step meeting?” And then on his phone for the rest of the episode.

Don’t forget to add some open mic nights

WTF is a 'chooch'?

a bobo

I don't understand how people can get into these scripted "reality" shows

They're so fucking awful. I'll admit that I enjoy some of the early Gordon Ramsey shows where he'd try to help an English restaurant -- though they too were obviously manufactured to a certain degree -- but this is as fake and phony as that stupid show where the boss puts on a fake beard and pretends to be a worker at his own company.

I like watching clips of that guy calling people “donkeys” and other hilarious British insults

"Muppet" and "div" are good ones.

Yeah the 'row' was a obvious plant and set up. Terrible brain rotting TV

Neither of them drink and in that clip they both order and drink "alcohol." Definitely scripted af.

Jim can't even walk into a bar normally but thinks he can be a serious actor.

Jim drank alcohol, or even pretended to? Glorifying alcohol after all these years? Somebody needs to go to a meeting.

Getting a bit appearance on a paramount network reality show is a big deal for someone who's only been in the business 25 years.

What a great actor Jim is I was taking notes

This gelt like a parody "These two guys know bars" sam orders a beer and asks "is it supposed to taste like this?" Jim orders a starts complaining that its more well done than medium well.

Don't forget Jim's Bloody Mary was too spicy for him.

The transformation into Fez is almost complete, im looking forward to the stage where he shuts the fuck up.

meets up with tranny, pops 6 viagra, can’t get hard

“I-I’m....I’m just having a bad day...”

No, because Fez was actually hilarious before he went batshit.

I mean jim does know bars, remember he used to be an alcoholic.

The only alcoholic who quit drinking before ever stepping foot in an actual bar.

“These guys have millions of followers”

Fucking what?

You heard. Big stars.

two of the biggest stars on sirius satellite radio.

This is true, much to the humiliation of the SXM board.

They lprobably have less than 10,000 people who genuinely give a shit what they’re up to.

Real superstars.

They needed 2 catty faggots nobody would recognize to do the recon part of the show.

How many sponsors did Jim have to call in order to get through this.

I'm surprised he was able to sit next to the Simian drinking beer. I am sure he could smell it!

I’m 100% sure Sam ordered a non alcoholic beer, on the assumption he has the mental age of a 6 year old

No wonder it was flat. It's been sitting there forever.

I like to think it was fresh out of the kidneys.

Oh what a surprise! Jim doesn't like his food and is unhappy with the service.

"I'm not trying to be difficult but this shitty burger that I ordered in a bar is slightly more cooked than I asked for."

They should have smushed it in his faggot face and told him to hit the bricks.

So they put a person who goes out of his way to say he's in recovery every chance he gets, and another person who gets physically ill when they have steak in their mouth.

This show used to be kinda fun to watch, but now it's got a retarded formula they stick to for each and every episode making them virtually all exactly the same. Oh, and to continue to compound the stupidity of the show, they invite idiots like this on.

If they stage Springeresque fights in every episode, I might start watching. The host seems like a JoeH level asshole.

He was an asshole, and that's what made the show fun to watch. He'd yell and throw shit like the ape he looks like. Obviously a good amount is scripted, but now the show seems to have a comfortable formula they use and refuse to budge from. I doubt it's gonna be on much longer considering they're sort of streamlining the episodes to reduce cost I'd imagine.

It really is just one huge giant plug for his POS system.

There's a site that gives updates on every bar shown, and almost every single one either closes or dumps his stupid strip mall concept within months.

I'm not saying the concept of "Let's flip a struggling bar with shit house managment and non-motivated (usually drunk and/ or actually retarded) owner(s) deep in debt, into a strip mall night club with absolutely no draw, and with higher quality items with higher prices that nobody asked for or wanted" was the greatest idea.

To keep to your point, the owners of any of the establishments on any of these "rescue" shows always have the same problem afterwards, and is actually a continuation of their original problem: "We simply dont make enough money to keep these things on the menu." They can improve things and cut as much fat as they want, but as soon as the whole, "OMG this place was on TV!" wears off, these places go back to struggling because they can't get anyone in the door. Most of this has to do with really shitty locations.

No doubt. I always roll my eyes when these supposedly alcoholic owners/bartenders suddenly are clean and sober. But Taffer’s remodels are terrible. Same with his stupid foo-foo drinks in these primarily blue collar bars.

Why are they pretending to drink? Anyone that knows or cares about them knows that Jim is an "alcoholic in recovery" and that Sam has never had a drink in his life.

Sam said he legit had a sip but he didn't really know what he was ordering as he doesn't drink. If you watch it back you can clearly see he's ordering like a kid the first time he gets served in a bar.

I remember the first time I ordered, I was driving since age 13, so I held an adult stance, didn't know anything about drinks, so I just said: "gimme a couple pairs of those double vodkas, DIET COKE! (check the abs)" ... was the least anxious underage drive home I ever had.

Shit me and my friend used to hang out at a biker bar when we were 12. Nobody gave a shit. Where were our parents?

What faggots

I know it’s hard to believe guys, but this entire segment is scripted. It’s just that Jim Norton is such a fine actor you can’t even tell.

His acting is atrocious. Look at his dumb face as they approach the bar. Natural talent.

Jim drank a bloody Mary?

No because the scuuuuumbags put vodka in it.

"It's burning my throat" says the queer who gargles AIDS-ridden Dolph Lundgren loads.

I knew it was partially scripted but I didn’t know they just outright lie. Two guys who literally don’t drink or have good taste in food judging a bar. Millions of followers btw. Fucking fag show. I’ll take Kitchen Nightmares over this shit any day.

Let’s hope it ends like Billy Batts with them being brutally beaten.

Isn't Jim and Sams show, like OnA, was to make fun of hack shows like this? Embarrassing.

Nice jumping spider eyes, stupid

5:28 Anthony?

"They're two of the biggest stars on Sirius radio, making them perfect to go anywhere in public undercover without disguises."

"That's Bam Margera! HE'S FAMOUS!"

Poor lady just trying to get by, probably inherited this shithole from her late 53 year old husband who fell off his sailboat, and here come Worm and P.B. Roberts, two lifelong teetotallers, to tell her why her best efforts don't live up to their millionaire standards of dinosaur shaped child's food and mustard slathered egg whites.


Is that Scientology rapist Danny Masterson in the back of the car?

His natural habitat

Doesn’t one of those faggots not drink and the other faggot is just a faggot?

Honestly Sam and Jimmy would be decent in a comedy show with a script and decent director

So jim just "reviewed" a bottled bloody mary mix. Good stuff.

Wait, so they actually pretended to drink alcohol?

Forgive me if I missed something here, I ate an edible nerd rope thinking I was going to see that Tarantano flick starring Jim Borton and I was too late for it. I am a bit out of sorts. There is no fucking way those two dopes did that, right?

Did they actually pretend to drink?

That bite of burger bun must be why Baby Boy suddenly gained 20lbs recently.

these two could be the worst people to judge a bar. isn't Sam know for being one of those straight edge queers?

This would have been much better with bobo and lady do. Assuming her ship was in town

The worst part was them trying to act natural in a hang out situation where they’re suppose to be friends.

why are these 2 faggots at a bar judging food

because they have millions of fans