VIDEO: Nana getting more comfortable with her naturally flamboyant body language.

29  2019-08-07 by RapistWithHIV


Look at his faggot right hand

"I used to have thousssands of subsssscribers....Oh, I'm jussssttt going to blocked everybodyyyy....."

Wow, I bet Sue Lightning saw this side of Nana. Then, Sue saw Nana’s blown-out backside. shudder

Sue certainly didnt blow Nanas asshole out. Had to be the eggs.

His voice is remarkably gay

He definitely has the gay voice. He looks like a lot of the middle age gay dudes I see in the Castro district. His brother also looks like that gay interior decorator that was popular in early 2000s, Christopher Lowell.

"Hayyy, this isn't your show, fellas!" (gets bitch slapped by business woman, then cries online)

Looking like John Waters if he’d drowned in a lake.

Having a gay old time

Where's that clip of one of his drunken basement videos where he's at his most faggy? He's with that ballwashing cop he hangs out with who calls himself "Mikey Cuffs" and the two of them are giggling with loose wrists and girly lisps.

There's the audio. Such fags. Thanks. The video is good too. I'll see if I have it saved anywhere.

The video you're thinking from is from a different night of faggotry. It's somewhere in here.

Yes! That's not "Mike the Marine" though. That's his pet cop Michael Anthony aka "Mikey Cuffs".

He's gonna pull a Mrs. Doubtfire and accidentally show up to the studio wearing lipstick from his secret lifestyle.


What a disgusting old queer.


Thisssss isssss taaaaaayrubble...