In addition to posing as a veteran and stealing valor, Joe also spends his brother's money on cheap, inferior Chinese products

46  2019-08-07 by ILoveWhores69

He never served his country and still does not support it in any way. Must be nice to have integrity.


He’s such a fucken dago piece of shit.

*Sicilian piece of shit

The rest of Italy disowned those halfricans centuries ago for being too weak to protect their women from Muslim invaders. No real surprise, since Joe couldn't even protect his mother from loneliness.

The Moors, you see...

Couldnt protect his daughter either. Fat shlub.

Hot dog saluting motherfuck

Says the guy that doesn't own a premium Gitson guitar.

Every professional guitarist knows it’s always better to have 40-50 pieces of fucking dogshit than 2-3 quality instruments.

He probably lectures Layla on the value of buying American then turns around and buys a Chibson just to save a few bucks.

He buys cheap Chinese knock-offs that knowingly and willfully ignore all associated U.S. patents and trademarks. He's a real patriot.

He's a patriot when it gets him credit; not when it means putting the country ahead of his own interests.