There's one thing above all others that makes me hate Joe

37  2019-08-07 by The-Cumia-Prance

Now for legal reasons I can only speculate about this, but the way I see it is:

He, like his brother and their assorted goons, seem to engage in a funny game where they take pictures of black people to post in their little secret groups and laugh at them

It's my belief that this fun game is precisely what got Anth fired.

Now, again, in a legal sense, these allegations are unfounded and unproven. But I suspect the same cute game is where Joe obtained a image of a small black girl and himself.

He has a cruel smile on his face because he's a sadistic monster, knowing he'll later share this image with his (allegedly) White Supermacist cronies on some predecessor to Discord.

Now we must ask ourselves. Who is this girl? To me it's allegedly obvious that she and her family must've been customers at whatever pissant steakhouse would comp Joe a Gatorade.

Only a dumb child would see Joe and think he was really a celebrity and ask for a picture with him.

Perfect opportunity for his band of allegedly cretinous maggots to all share a good laugh.

So he probably allegedly takes a pic for her on his phone and then asks her take another on his. Being a sweet young lady she'd surely oblige.

Then he took this image of an allegedly sweethearted young girl who has likely never skipped a Sunday service and made fun of her looks and hair and mainly the color of her skin.

Then the alleged brute allegedly has the audacity, after previously belittling this girl, he has the sheer audacity to use that image in defense of himself when he claimed she was one of 6 underprivileged children to whom he gives free private guitar lessons.

When he has all the free time in the world, on Anth's dime, to ACTUALLY not be an alleged piece of shit and ACTUALLY give underprivileged kids free guitar lessons!

Now my attorney from Las Vegas tells me that legally I might add, I have no idea how much of this is true, if any. It's speculation about a public figure. But allegedly Joe Cumia is a goddamned piece of garbage.


nana couldn't enjoy her cruise because some black people were playing basketball

Makes me wonder what kind of shitty little tugboat he was on that he was forced to be near a basketball court.

On Anthony's old twitter, I remember him taking a picture of a black mom and her kid playing an arcade game with a light gun. I don't remember whether he had some shitty comment, but it was sinister. I hope he dies painfully.

Probably said something about getting the lil fella trained early

I remember that, he said something about gun crime and obviously it was extremely racially insensitive.

Black people should take a leaf out of the "filthy wop Cumia book of family values" and rape children and bite little girls, truly a paragon of morality and ethics.

It all makes sense except for the kid wanting a pic with that cow eyed idiot, he probably told some sort of ridiculous lie like 'one of my 4 or 7 kids has that same guitar, wow, can i take a pic?', all while scouting for some spit to go... it's just a theory.

I thought I was topped out, but you just made me hate Joe 15% more. Well done.

I do what I can

Great story of bigotry, racism and unfounded, fictitious storytelling. Right in line with your M.O. You actually hate me enough to obsess over me, as you all do, because you want to BE me. I get it! Carry on...

What about your M.O.O

Go to sleep you fat stuttering loser!
Get a job you fat stuttering loser!
Get your kid to school on time you fat stuttering loser!

Joe, youre 60 years old. Let that sink in

You actually hate me enough to obsess over me

You're 60 years old and your first thought after waking up in a puddle of piss is to check reddit?

He's a Cumia. 6:30 am is prime 'final tweets of the day' time. Notice how he disappeared for a quick, 4 hour booze coma?

Nobody wants to be you - nobody wants to be 60+ years old, even if you were successful and had money or something enviable. I really want to wake up in the morning with back pain, an enlarged prostate and low testosterone. Sounds great.

How much does Mr. J.H. AKA 'Kurt Love' pay you for "alone time" with Layla, Joe?

So you admit you are all those things. I appreciate your consistency in being a dullard.

Unfounded? You fucking buffoon! We hate you simply because you represent what boomers are- arrogant, entitled beyond measure, intrinsically racist and overall being a giant fag.

Hi joe, I heard you love cock!

My favorite of your family's somewhat recent bunglings: Nana doxxes a twitter detractor to the college he works at. When the detractor's boss confronts him about it, all it took was a seconds-long google search to showcase what a heinous, lawbreaking, racist piece of shit Nana has been for years.

There were zero repressions because Tony's career is not legendary, resurrectable or respected. The well is not "deeper and wetter" than ever, it's just about dried up.

"It says here you called a Mr Anthony Cumia a pissy-eyed, spackle-faced, soy-sauce-haired, ventriloquist-dummy-teethed, child-grooming, racist, misogynist, pedophile, professional alt-right troll who had no class, style, education, work ethic, or skills beyond his one-trick-pony status of 40+-year old pop culture references and History Channel docu-series."

"Yes, Dean June-Higgers. And here are unfakeable, in-context archived tweet and audio footage corroborating every single one of these claims are irrefutable fact."

"Good work, Mr. Heavycock, it seems you have paid attention to your Intro to Law class. It's not libel if it's provable fact. And furthermore, since he is a public figure, he'd have to prove malicious intent to willfully spread knowingly false information. That's nearly impossible."

Is it true that you stole a frying pan from the army?

Is it true that you used said pan to beat your ex wife's head in?

Is it true you use PTSD as an excuse for both actions?

you want to BE me.

I like earning my own way through life and not leeching off my younger brother and playing other peoples' music for a pittance, thanks. Plus I obey traffic laws, and don't invite pedophiles into my home.

He's saying you're a bigot and you're a racist, you stupid fuck

I knew I'd snag me a cowfish and here you are, fathead

Come on, Joe. You read the post.

Tell me where I'm wrong so I can correct my false image of you.

I'm happy that you're focusing your mental illness towards a worthwhile cause. Excellent work, sir.