Worm makes a bold stand against Republicans in the midst of the mass shootings

29  2019-08-06 by LetMeShowUMySoyFace


Reminder that this same guy was saying Bush needed to nuke the Middle East and called liberals faggots back in 2005

Good ol' Worm "Whichever way the wind blows" Morton

He still repeats that neocon bullshit. He even said "blaming" these shootings on anti-white men rhetoric and immigration is like blaming 9/11 on US foreign policy. As in, ostensibly dumb.

In reality, US foreign policy was obviously the main reason why they attacked the Twin Towers. Nice self-defeating argument, stupid.

He desperately wants to appeal to everyone because he has no identity

Jim "True Conservative Values" Norton

That was honest Jim,this is "what do the kids say these days" Jim. He s panicking

She looks more like Sideburns Lady in The Wedding Singer.

Ol' Table #9

You should cry more about it, snowflake.

Kids in drag needs to end by any means

Of COURSE he supports drag queen kids.

Does it make you too horny?

By acknowledging this tweet is funny it makes my case that he is a rapist who should be in jail more compelling

Morton never has anything funny or insightful to say. He's such a bore.

I'm not so sure he's bashing Republicans, just this lady. He did a deep dive into her social media, decided that she could in no way help his career, and then decided to mock her. If Fox News called up Jimmy to do an interview today, he'd be there in a heartbeat to offer some middle-of-the-road commentary.

Shocking that the high school drop out doesn’t have educated and well thought out opinions on complex issues.

I'm not going to lie, the punchline made the corner of my mouth turn up.

I can't wait until Tim Morton is making these hilarious observations from a hospital bed just before he succumbs to the aids.

Same fucking Total Recall joke for 15 years. He needs to steal some more current material.

I wonder which of his little 'superfan follower club' he stole this one from... Have you noticed how Anth without paltalk / Jim without twitter superfan DMs, they both got nothing funny to say, maybe they were just a pair of joke/line stealers all along.

He’s used that stupid fucking joke on like 5 different albums/specials.

Wow. Stepping into some lukewarm opinions. Fuck, he's a worm.

I've heard him make that total recall reference a few times over the years. It's one of the 7 movies he's seen.

Who asked you for your oh-so-hot take? Go fall in love with another Viking camwhore, you fuckin asshole