3:10 a.m. Tuesday morning and Cumio is tweeting that the left is "mentally ill."

105  2019-08-06 by Kenn_Kennnerson

What a normal and healthy way for a 60 year old who lost his job due to Twitter to behave


Ain’t it fun?

🎶if I smile with my teeth, would you believe me?🎶

Isn’t this great?

I heard it in the voice it was intended.

I’m glad somebody did.

Is he tweeting you're mentally ill seek professional help?

He's bored with that Hulkamania prostitute again. Expect more burglaries and arrests.

He’s having a great time.

Leaves his 5 year old anniversary at 6 sharp to catch a train to his mcmansion so he can continue melting down on Twitter. What a consummate professional who is definitely still hilarious.

He's also melting down on the face

He has to fill the void since he can't post pics of guns, stacks of cash, or high school girls.

What about cars, there's no way a mutil millions operation owner to ride the disgusting Subway

"I love to ride in it!"

Is it gay to let a tranny ride in your car?

Taking Sue for a joyride on his Jaguar was the least gay thing he did that day...

He lost his driving licence.

I wonder what /u/DOXXER100 has to say about that?

probably "Moo!"

Can't afford gas

Pathetic if true!

do you think the irony of this statement is lost on him?


Mental illness is posting about a show THAT HAS FUCKING ENDED!! Do yall have fucking jobs!!

please, tell us more about CBD gummies & Ron's current show

i'm sure everybody will fucking listen to you

"I have drove thru all your towns"

Never gets old.

Of course this retard does kratom

There's a dozen damon holtons out there faggot good luck finding mine, this is what I'm talking about! Who has time to look for folks online! Get a life you fucking loser! (I'm only telling you this cause I love you and want to help you)! Now go forth and get ur shit together you cock sucking cum guzzlin scamp you!

it's called having a twitter account & doing a search, dumb fuck. you're lucky I used up my staring at the wall time whilst taking a shit to search your fucking name.

all you pricks say the same played out shit when you show up, too ignorant to see that going "HURRR SHOW DEAD WTF U FAGGOTS DOIN??" just doesn't do you any favours when your uneducated ass is here taking time out of your day to talk shit. and as we all know, the hypocrisy is the worst part

Dude! Its funny to me you were somewhere taking a shit and searching my name! I feel dirty somehow

Go back to smoking Kratom and jacking off to anorexic girls you creepy loser

You're downvoted, but you're 100% right. Imagine NOT being a part of this show but talking about shit that happened in 2005 like it was last week? A radio show. A RADIO SHOW.

Shut up Daniel


Wait, why are you here then?

Imagine NOT being a part of this show

You see this, boy? I was a part of it. You just sat there and listened to it.

It's no different than talking about an old baseball game or movie. Saying only you are allowed to discuss these things (Or are better than the others doing it) because you associated with these terrible people years ago.

It's no different than Joe or Anthony pretending to be better than you because your main source of income is bartending.

Please continue to believe I'm a bartender.

Mr Barton is right, though.

Fair enough, it's just a pathetic and niche interest to maintain years and years later. Opie and Anthony isn't world fucking history or the MLB. It's a dick and fart radio show that peaked 19 years ago. Just put that in perspective.

No one claims it is world history, dude. It's super weird to me that you operate under that assumption. You're making it a bigger thing than it is.

We're also very aware of what kind of show the O&A show was, which is why we're still here. I don't need to put anything into perspective. This is a bit of fun, nothing more, nothing less, and that's what it is for most people who have visited this sub and the old one.

I am? Isn't this place smack dab in the middle of actively trying to get Joe's gig's cancelled? People's Twitter's shut down?

A bit of fun you say? P'shaw.

Yes. A bit of fun. In the spirit of the show we used to like. Don't delude yourself into thinking this is our world. No one here really cares if Joe keeps posting. But he keeps posting, he's a willing participant.

Please continue to believe I'm a bartender.

That wasn't the point nor should you get all butthurt about it even if it were true. I know men and women bartenders who make far more money on a weekend than Bovine "Imaginary Private Gigs" Joe and every Compound Media host make in a week.

You've also been here too far too long, given us too much kindling and come back to way too many incarnations of the sub to pretend you're any better than us. You aren't.

Speaking of mental illness, what were the 3 most important things you learned during your stay at the insane asylum?

Let me put this ball back in your court. Aside from the ONE Facebook post my brain damaged father posted for attention, can you post ANY other proof this ACTUALLY HAPPENED? NO??

Yeah if only we had a more reputable source than literally your own father.

Yes. My stoked out brain damaged father who posts shit on FB for likes and attention. Gee, you got me I guess.

I accept your apology

Daniel, I was referencing something that took place at 3:10 a.m. ET this morning, not 2005

Nobody is talking to you.


Vote me down motherfuckers! I give 2 fucks about karma points! I don't know how many losers are on this thread but downvote me some more, I still make 1400 a week truckdriving in sunny florida, karma points don't effect my paycheck which is what yall should be worried about!

Doin' the old Dragon Wagon bit, eh?

I actually love the show

As much as you like cock?

Don't know about that, but I love the show

Give me some karma!

Eat my ass and I'll give you karma.

That's very gay!

Quit fucking with my points I'm not taking yours! I'm a snowflake

We all knew how predictable that old bag of shit was going to be. I have thoughts and prayers that he doesn't make it home from a Walmart. I'm certain that his border patrol agent hat and nypd shirt will get him out of Dutch. Mr pulse of the right nation over here.

He's not a smart "man"

perfect night!!

He's having a great time!

If Anthony had channeled the time and energy he's spent on tweeting over the last five years into his show, someone might actually want to see it. But alas, no one does.

Lol! Dude! Its funny to me you were somewhere taking a shit and searching my name, I feel dirty somehow

I actually love the show

I actually love the show

That's very gay

Quit taking my points! I'm not fucking with yours!