Turns out having a ex cop turned bag carrier run your tech heavy business isn't a great idea

125  2019-08-05 by Dennyislife


That is the perfect email when you think about. Nice retrospective, stupid.

Yep. This is where Compound Media lapped itself in stupidity. We're through the looking glass here, people.

I’m surprised Ant hasn’t had his nazi bunker foreclosed.

Sue already smashed it to pieces.

My favorite thing about it is that they didn't just skip checking whether or not that video was embeddable, it's actually Keith's retarded video policies fucking them over. Yeah Keith, disable playback on other websites. Just anything and everything to ensure that no one will ever find out CP Media exists.

Just anything and everything to ensure that no one will ever find out CP Media exists.

It would be great if it turned out Keith and Opie had been secret buddies all along and Keith has been conspiring with Gregg to fuck over Ant from the start.

the destroyer always wins in the end

u/doxxer100 Keith is squandering the empire that should be yours.

u/doxxer100 Gavin invested in Ant's network and yet he still left it.

What does that tell you?

by this time, Murdoch would be one of many investors under a Brother Joe-run Compound Media. Keith doesn't know what he's doing.

As the founder of O&A, Joe should be alarmed.

His media empire is in a nip of trouble

there's a chink in his armor.


Remember when it was just Anthony, and Gavin and Legion of Skanks?

Now they've all gone on to bigger and better things, but Ant's still there with the same shitty green screen....

Ain't it fun?

One picture has never described compound media so perfectly

Yep. This is where Compound Media lapped itself in stupidity. We're through the looking glass here, people.

Not even trying to do a bit but Joe would legitimately have run Anthony's "network" better than Keith the Crook.

It's really hard imagining anybody running it worse. Like what would that even like? Keith's incompetence knows no bounds. It's almost like he's doing a bit at this point.

it would have been run like a military operation

I would subscribe to CM if joe had a daily show.

if they took calls, I might be on board.

“Broadcast from our NYC studio and Canada”. Only a true clod like Keith could write something this stupid. Can you get podcast equipment into Winnipeg?

Can you even transport podcast equipment internationally? It's way too much stuff for a basic customs entrance. I would imagine you'd need several shipping containers via barge.

Thanks for the info, Jim.

Very glad that this dogshit caught a non-pedant's eye.

Nice illiterate High School dropouts with no GED unable to write copy with proper parallelism, stupids.

They wish that they had the international appeal that PFG did.

What about London?

We can't even say this city or that city anymore, because we're the FASTEST GROWING TV NETWORK!

The shit-carousel never ends.

Hindsight will always be 20-20. Anth was just working with the best information that he had at the time. At the time how was he supposed to know that it was the dumbest fucking idea and would only lose money? Keith “the policeman” knew how to book travel, hire day laborers to build a deck, and take a car in for its scheduled maintenance. Why would you think he wouldn’t be a competent manager of a digital media company?


Five till and the free streams still don't work. Compound Media: You get you you pay for, and sometimes you don't get what you pay for too.

You get you you pay for, and sometimes you don't get what you pay for too.

Are you sure? Neflix is 4¢ more per month than Compound. Twice per day, I'll have to wait TEN seconds for the buffer to fill. Compound Media seems to work idk maybe twice per month?

When Anthony used to call his house "The Compound," I imagined it to be a little like my grandfather's place (now one of my dad's properties.) A large, 200 year old stone house set on 25 acres, with its own small lake and several fishing ponds.

I never thought it would be a 15 year old, prefab drywall Mcmansion; a lower class pauper's idea of a "nice house." I bet Anthony watched the Sopranos and thought Tony's house was something to be envied, instead of the gaudy and soulless vulgarity David Chase was mocking.

To be fair Tony couldn’t spit on the highway from his balcony.

That is true.

ExCUSE me.. have you not seen his plaster of Paris fake columns in his foyer? Or his plaster of Paris dinosaur statues? You're telling me that drywall, spackle, and plaster and gaudy trailer park lawn ornaments aren't hallmark staples of legitimate wealth?

Only thing he's missing is an IROC-Z in the driveway.

I have no idea what that is, but I'm going to assume it's some tacky, Guido, nigger-rich tchotchke that's on the 'must buy when I have $100k" list instead of, say, tax-advantaged diversified investments.

You hit the nail on the fucking head, budday.



Famous sketch on SNL during the Sandler years made fun of Jersey and Long Island trash like Anthony and said "IROC stands for Italian Retards Out Cruising".

He ended up with E-ROC


We don’t have to click on the links to see images anymore?

Our NYC studio that uses a green screen to simulate NYC. What fucking tools they are.

There are over 20 shows on that platform? Or were there 20 in the five year history?

They dont have 20 shows

Neither, lol.

Don't worry, Keith in on the phone with Youtube right now straightening this whole thing out.

How embarrassingly appropriate

Keith the Incompetent.

What's funniest is that this isn't even a coding issue with the Cumpound site, making videos non-embeddable on other sites is a basic function of Youtube videos that the channel owner can turn off at any point just by going into their "Account Settings" menu.

Could you imagine the digital carnage hiding within the code of the website itself?

Not that I know anything really but someone here said it’s all static/hard coded so that any changes require whole thing to be rewritten. Guess compound skimped on the street shitter coding farms?

Anyone have a link to funny video someone did mocking first AA show? Thanks

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5 years of losing money and losing actual talent that people want to see.

This has to be a front for a kiddie porn ring. There is no other explanation.

Endlessly distracted by his crippling Twitter addiction, Anthony runs his media empire as half-assedly as possible, as that way he has more time to tweet. Twitter is his entire world now. It cost him his job, he titled his book based on it and he was visibly distressed when he was suspended and couldn't do it anymore. You and I both know he spent every available waking moment doing everything he could to circumvent that ban, too.