Make fun of his dead crackhead mom? Joe sleeps. Insult his daughter? Joe sleeps. Call his girlfriend an ugly hag? Joe sleeps.

119  2019-08-04 by Officer_McGrady

Tease him about his “performance” with Blue Oyster Cult?

Ha you THINK this BOTHERS me IDIOTS?! HA yeah RIGHT 😂 I DONT care at ALL!! <<< SEE?! That’s ME not caring about YOU 😎 I’m DONE with this SHIT place. Just a bunch of SOCIOPATHS who LIVE in their MOTHERS basements!!! 🤦🏾‍♂️ LOL I’m now 110% DONE with this BS and will NEVER be coming BACK ✌🏾🖕🏾


The first bell for coffee time rings and Joe sleeps.

He can't say anything about his, mom, daughter or girlfriend because they are all true.

On a Sunday Morning, at 7am. We still deliver. Proud of you all. Uhuru. I accept the downvotes for this.

Also, Joe is a gay homosexual, star fucker. He's Ant and Jim in one sleazy gooey meaty "Buckaroo Banzai" tracer brain ball.

I’m now 110% DONE with this BS and will NEVER be coming BACK

Hi again Joe, I hope you're having a good day of redditing.

I genuinely wonder what it feels like to know at any time of day or night you're being relentlessly mocked for your actual buffoonery?

Why not open up a 2U fan forum? I'm sure nobody would troll it, & it might make you feel better.

I guess some things you cannot quit cold turkey.

That's because (as his actions have consistently proven) he cares way more about himself than about his mother, daughter or crone.

accuse him of having a pedo in his house? rage quit the internet and went into hiding

u/doxxer100 why are you such a misogynist, joe? You won't defend any of the women in your life, and you viciously beat one with a frying pan & then lied about it. What gives?

I don't know why you're bothering, he says he'll never be coming back. Do you think he's loying?