I'm posting this gif again because it annoys Joe to no end.

44  2019-08-01 by DumbCowJoe


Look how annoyed the BOC guys are with Joe. They hate him.

u/doxxer100 they hate you Joe! Really hate you. Moooooo 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮

Lol downvoted immediately. Do you ever leave here cowbrain? What an embarrassing old boomer you are. Worthless cunt living off your baby brother.

Why are you wearing a COD t-shirt here btw? Oh that's right, you don't just take payment from baby brother but you also accept donation clothes from him. How embarrassing.

Onset of dementia.

Call of Dementia: Who the fuck are you?

Haha. Joe looks especially cow-like 🐮 and you can feel the tension and hatred from BÖC. This is the perfect GIF. Thanks

You'd think if someone did something for 45 years they'd get really good at it but Joe is a stunningly mediocre guitarist.


The head whip after the gay drum hit is the best part. What a dork

Zero charisma, zero talent, zero hair, tub of lard fucking douchebag.

Like a bull in a fucking china shop, look how he has to stomp around and put that shit-eating grin on his face.

If Anth wasn’t your brother Joe... these guys wouldn’t have even known who you are. Now respond like you are relevant in the music community, not just some hack garage band that plays on “ 25 cent wing night “ at some south shore Long Island shit hole.

Now to be fair Joe met BOC when he was opening for them at Casa Bonita in 1997. They’ve been tight since then.

And I’m sure he got that gig off talent alone... even the name of his company is “ hey I’m Anth’s brother” play with me and you’ll get free publicity on my baby brothers show.

Mediocre failure.

I appreciate the guy who recorded these embarrassing series of moments but, I mean, seriously? You didn't atleast throw one or two batteries at him?

Lead singer cant even look at JoeH anymore hes so disgusted


That fukn sidestep stomp with the belly is beyond words

I'd still like for Joe to tell us how much weight he lost during his ham and mayo diet

man that David Cross can really SHRED

Watching this video again fat fuck lazy bum joe cumia cant even go without losing his breath to tie his new balance or just taking 2 steps holding a guitar when the camera zooms into his ugly hotdog head w crack smoking face you see him exhausted.
Lmao joe you are so fat your weak little shaved legs cant even hold your fat head or body hahahahahahahahahaha Joe you will be dead before 2021 lmao tough guy maybe you should have worked or atleast exercised instead of sit on your fat lazy COMP'D ass all your life.

Is he as bad at guitar as he is at parenting?