Who the fuck is a fan of this cunt?

24  2019-07-31 by JMueller2012


Regrettably Katy Perry.

I was never a fan of his even when I went through my early 20s where I thought I was the next great philosopher.

He appears to have made a career out of having an English accent and rambling in a florid but mostly incoherent fashion. I've never been a fan though. His appeal completely eludes me.

No he made a career out of copying Johnny Depps Jack Sparrow character

No Johnny Depp made a career out of copying the Keith Richards character. Brand has been doing that shit way before the film.

He really hasn’t. I remember him when he was just a generic host on big brother then pirates came out


Him in 2002.

I remember watching a documentary about him being a druggie with lots of really early stuff that came before this and he's exactly the same.

I thought they fired him in 2001 after he came to work dressed as Bin Laden on sep.12th?

Dudley Bore

He sounds like an English Charles Manson here.

I liked him on Norm, then figured he must be likable. But I was wrong.

He’s what dumb people think smart people sound like

This is accurate. I know a couple of people who like him. They're the most absurd, pseudo-hippy, narcissistic, hyper-consumerist hypocritical cunts you'll ever meet.

Look at how retarded the comment are in the video. Mouthbreathers, all of them.

Link Between Low Intelligence And Falling For Pseudo-Profound Statements:


"On the reception and detection of pseudo-profound bullshit"

People who believe Pseudo-Profound Statements, and fall for morons like R.Brand are:

  1. Less intelligent
  2. Less capable of insight
  3. More self absorbed

All proven by science, but there's no surprises in this study really.

I love him. I could listen to him all day. I'm okay with some nonsense but he really pisses off people I enjoy seeing pissed off and as much of a self absorbed asshole as he is, he's still wicked smaht.

What a fucking retard

but you love whores, so who are you to judge?

The profundity of your magnanimous comment has made me spiritually aware and now I'm going out to buy every one of Brand's books and watch all of his videos. Namaste, you faggot.

It is obvious how stupid you are, but you are entitled to your stupid opinions.

Being called stupid by someone who thinks Russell Brand is 'wicked smart' is the highlight of my day, this made me loff irl. Thank you, retard.

See how stupid you are? Funny in a sad way.

I love this psudeointellectual fraud that only people with double digit IQs would be fooled by. I could listen to this idiot drone about nothing all day. He's still wicked smaht and I am a retard.


Stupid people like you are prone to anger. I understand.

He reads couple of books on Zen and suddenly he thinks he’s Alan Watts.

Fuck me the Alan Watts comparison is perfect. Watts also does that shitty thing of using long winded purple prose and sophistry to hide the fact he’s not saying anything of substance

I liked his appearances on Howard.

Jay Mohr is 😒

What’s he up to nowadays?

Being ‘profound’ and introspective.

He has Jason Segal to thank for giving him 1 good character that he somehow managed to milk a career off of.

sadly, I have a friend who projects his persona

Answer: Redditor faggots (i.e. everyone outside of this sub)

If prayer worked a freight train would have run this cunt over by now.