Ugly faggot

58  2019-07-29 by JMueller2012


I hate him more than Hitler hated Jews. That's a lot

I hate him more than I hate hitler. If I had a time machine and could kill only one baby... it’d still be hitler but I would be creating an alternate reality where Sam was probably never born. So win/win

Fuck off.

Pee in my butt


What did Hitler ever do to you?


Why is this toy collecting child going to watch an adult movie?

For the same reasons all grown men do:

  • Jack White contributed a song to the last QT movie.

  • It was trending on Twitter.

  • Why network and try to improve your festering shit heap when you can see a movie abroad!

I get how his hair is his brand, but at least clean up that hair and beard.

His brand is retreating from his head.

His new "thing" is standing next to safe, generic products and giving that spastic thumbs-up and goofy, shit-eating grin. It's not the first time I've seen this appalling pose. He's a true grotesque.

He needs to trim the beard and shave his dumb head. He’d still be circus ugly, but it would be an improvement. One of you autists should photoshop what that would look like.

I'd say anyone with the username "Layla_Cumia" is more than capable of an autistic photoshop or two themself.

You’d think, right?

To all the Tarantino-worshiping faggots on this sub you're in good company

This nigga probably ain’t even seen Jackie Brown

The only adult film he's made, with the exception of Reservoir Dogs and (possibly) moments of Pulp Fiction.

Doesn’t drink and yet looks like he’s been a boozehound for decades.

Imagine being a senior citizen going to see a movie at 2:15pm you are walking up and you see this big fucking loser taking a selfie. What kinda fucking loser takes selfies? Men do not take selfies.

His beard looks like a brown ring in the toilet of a busy train station

He looks like the first hairy pussy I saw in a Hustler magazine when I was 6

Hustler was a game changer.

Nightmare Fuel

This movie was a hot pile of shit. I walked out 90 minutes in. Tarantino is a boring pot head, obsessed with his own dialogue and scenery. What meandering, pointless nonsense. Boring characters driving around the Hollywood hills and 60s LA for 2.5 hours. Fuck out of here.

It just seems like a movie he HAD to make because everyone knows he only has one more film after this. Like stroking the industry's cock to have people to fawn over the image of "tinseltown". I was hoping for a Hateful 8 like scenario where the movie revealed itself but i was disappointed halfway seeing the 10th fucking pan-out of hollywood

Sally Menke dying and him becoming a full blown pot head/smoking while he writes dramatically affected his career. No one will criticize him or view his movies with any sort of objectivity because “he’s Tarantino.” I loved everything up to Hateful Eight, which barely squeaked by. But this one he lost me. He’s making movies strictly for him now, not for an audience.

Also I cannot stand Leonardo DiCaprio, and he’s even less authentic (which I didn’t know was possible) when he’s trying to pull off QT dialogue. So that didn’t help either.

Django sucked balls too.

DiCaprio killed this role tho


Lol ok. Was Pitt bad too?

No. Pitt can act.

You don’t like it when Leo squints and lowers his voice to express emotion? It’s so real and authentic.

I love how he overemphasizes everything, and inserts a fake stammer or stutter to make it seem like “this character is having so much authentic trouble articulating this thought!” It’s so organic sounding!

He spent most of the revenant grunting and got an Oscar for it. Tom hardy was clearly the better actor and yet Leo got an Oscar (I know oscars don’t mean shit but I’m making a point).

Every year up til that it was “Is this the year he FINALLY gets an Oscar?!” no matter how unsubstantial the movie was. He should get an Oscar just because “people like him.” He’s the worst. I haven’t bought a performance of his since Catch Me If You Can, 20 years ago.

In other non-faggot news: Did anyone like the new Tarantino flick?

I enjoyed it.

I've only heard negative reviews, mostly from my more muscle head/YAS ULTRAVIOLENCE assholes. I'm gonna see it 70mm this week because I'm a tryhard, artsy fayg and will report back.

Just saw it. Fantastic. Slow moving, corny (or intentionally glib?) but it was a pace that referred to, in some part, the Sergio Leone films of the past (Once Upon A Time In The West, Once Upon A Time In America). Stupid fucking Lena Dunham is in it, but for two seconds. Some really great parts to it, the switcheroo ending is funny and sad, and it's possibly Leonardo DiCaprio's best role.

I'd recommend it.

Of course he’s going to see the most obvious faggot overhyped mainstream safe faggot garbage movie and he’s excited like a little fucking toddler at on Christmas morning.

Go home and take care of your kid, you little piece of shit.

Once Upon A Time In Neanderville

Even his thumb looks retarded. What a loser

His beard looks like it was combed with a toilet brush