Forrest Gump-level retards routinely manage to graduate high school in America.

54  2019-07-28 by McGowan9

Neither Cumia brother could though.


Man gym class can be a real motherfucker, genuinely.

Another poorly deflecting lie from Antwan. I find it more plausible that he was as lazy then as he is now and simply flunked every subject.

Was going to post something similar. He’s admitted to having skipped pretty much skipping all his classes daily with his friends. He later learned that his friends were graduating, but not him.

By skipping classes everyday he meant sucking every and any dick he could get his lips around. His older brother Joe Cumia taught him well at a young age.

nor can jirn morton

I believe he managed to get his GED in his early 20s. After he'd defeated his crippling alcohol addiction.

I had a beer once just like Jimmy. Does this mean I have to attend a "meeting"?

I graduated high school with a guy that didn't know how to spell his own name correctly.

This simple sentence made me laugh out loud.


Just a pair of high school drop outs who were close friends with a convicted child rapist.

Yeah but unlike Forrest, JOE GOT THE GIRL

I would rather go bareback in AIDsy Jenny than even stand near Carol.

Who wouldn’t?

On a related note, is it just me or is she hotter as her cougarific House of Cards character or as Jenny? Cause I’m with HOC.

Forest Gump level retards graduate college too. Spend 5 minutes in any default sub on this site and you will be astonished by how fucking stupid the average user here is.

Other than a few business (ish) majors, everyone outside of STEM was just someone wasting everyone's time and money.

It was so, so funny how he thought that bringing a teenage girl to his class reunion would show his classmates how well he did despite not graduating for failing gym like a spastic retard failure. He didn't even realize that those people were whispering and laughing at him and weren't dying of envy over the tween stick figure girl he was fucking.