Sons who make their parent's prouder than Joe and Anthony Cumia's.

72  2019-07-26 by BananasAndBlow1976


Poor Magic, that’s worse than getting the AIDS.

It's the deal he signed up for.

It’s related though. How do you think his boy ended up that way?

That’s fair and probably true but I’d usually blame the mother enabling this kind of insanity in most of these cases.

Its like he nutted all the aids into his wife and then that came out

You just figured out why he never got sick.

The creature is a designer or professional goo gobbler or something right? I swear if you agree to be as shallow as humanly possible and base yourself solely of anti societal norms, you’ll make it in america now.

Wanna have fish lips, a fake ass and an aptitude to increase your chances of contracting herpes? Congratulations you’re living the american dream.

Nice retarded social commentary, stupid.

How can he be a tall basketball American with such a tiny pinhead and literally no bulge. Also, nice transition

I bet there's no airbrushing the stretch marks and saggy skin flaps here..

I heard they has got an incredibly lucrative fashion business

Mental illness...

Why do we have to pretend any of this is normal?

Cause most average people understand they will be called a bigot homophobe if they raise an eyebrow at any of this. And who needs that?

Go along to get along, I say. Now where are those armbands?

Because apparently we're suppose to embrace mental illness now instead of fixing it.

Because jews

Is that Fezzie loitering in the background?


Cookie, cookie, cookie, cookie, cookie, cookie, cookie

Oh my.




Magic is the only person ever to gain weight with HIV

What was he sprinkling it on cheeseburgers?!

A black guy who fucks Draculas

HIV is the only disease you get when you want to walk to St Louis

when your son has better fashion sense then your wife

The homo gene on display. Does anyone actually still believe Magic caught the hiv from a woman?

Sadly yes. All I tell the naysayers is if homosexuality is biological- it makes sense that Johnson has a gay son. Afterall, he was probably fucking lots of dudes or atleast enough of them to catch HIV. I've always found it odd that somehow he never infected anyone- same goes for Charlie Sheen (who got it from dudes/trannys).

You'd have to try really fucking hard to get HIV through vaginal penetration. Only faggots and junkies get infected

Dad must be proud. Kid dunks on guys assholes nightly.

With his tongue 👅

Its really nice that magic hasn't shunned him completely. At least now we know where the aids went

If you're kid is worth a couple 100 million it's hard not to be proud of them.

Being gay is one thing, but he’s just being a total asshole and will stop at nothing to get his dad to hang himself. Some people should just stay in the fucking closet