Hot-dog Joe is losing it.

152  2019-07-25 by ZombieRoeCumia


Haha this is torturing him and he can't stop thinking about it. He's going to need therapy over 5 seconds of a video. This is marvelous.

It's interesting observing him. He's a stupid guy, obviously, so he's not difficult to read but he also has a huge (though extremely fragile) ego. The interesting part is the things he spazzes out over. It's always events like this, or the People's Court, moments when he publicly humiliates himself.

Self-awareness clearly isn't one of his strengths but he probably has just about enough of it to see himself as others see him. As a completely pathetic embarrassment and a total fucking idiot. He gets a glimpse of that, it makes him angry and then the poorly constructed shutters come up to protect his enormous yet wafer-thin ego. It really is hilarious and wonderful to watch.

Self-awareness clearly isn't one of his strengths but he probably has just about enough of it to see himself as others see him.

I disagree. If Joe realized how we see him, he would change... or at least run away. I honestly believe he thinks we're his fans and this sub is just a little ribbing amongst friends. That's why he tries to give it back, that's why he tries to be in on the joke and that's why he threatens to leave. He's under the impression we care which is the opposite of self awareness.

Read on to the next sentence

I did. I'm not even giving him a few seconds of clarity.

Fair enough. He is a fucking dumb bald faggot. On that we can agree.

He may be a dumb bald faggot but at least he's not completely indistinguishable from a picture of a hotdog.

This should be on his tombstone in its entirety.

Ive been away from the sub for a while, its so great to return to more of joes horrible glory

Hotdog Joe is truly in a cold sweat.

The nitrates in his processed sausage body are truly acting up with panic and rage.

Beneath a thin layer of intestine casing beats a heart of 100% pure beef.

....the worst part is that however he rationalises it, the video's still there.

Joe, what normal people do in this situation is learn from it. Sure, it's uncomfortable to be wrong; but if you sit with it, learn from it, and change your behaviour; you'll be a better person.

That's why God tasked us to rub his nose in it.

We all have our crosses to bear.

You either learn from it, or you man and don't let it bother you. Joe can't do either as he has the emotional fortitude of a high school girl. Fuck, I bet Layla has a stronger psyche despite being raised by a gaggle of retards. Keep taking that T Joe, it's totally working.

the cumios really are a bunch of safe space snowflakes

No, we have it all wrong, he keeps DMCA attacking the vids because he doesn't want us to share in his glory.

The Cumias have never once learned from their mistakes. They always double down because they're reinforced by their fellow corral of retards.

Joe has early onset Alzheimer's. Thoughts & prayers

Trying way too hard

Hahahaha. How is he this fucking stupid?!

Providing his heart doesn't explode, which let's be honest is 50/50, he'll keep this place running for years on his own.

Please never change, Joe. You utter fucking dolt.


I don't have a burner Facebook account, and I'm not setting one up. Hopefully someone here does. Because it's one thing to shit in our sandbox. You really wanna trigger Joe? Blow up his spot in front of his 'fans' and when he deletes it, remind him he's a Free Speech champion. Until you're blocked. THAT will REALLY get some mooovement and a renewable content source for the sub.

Please post some way less faggily verbose version of what I posted yesterday I promise not to DMCA lol

Yeah, look at the cheeky grin and joking look of mirth and merriment on Richie's face.. That is definitely not a "bro... I'm SO sorry" face and accompanying shoulder touch. (for those of moo who can't interpret body language, my statement is sarcasm).

If you wish you hadn't brought a showboating, fat fingered failure on stage would you mouth "I'm sorry", slash your throat then point to said mooron? This easily manipulated screen grab can be found right before this exact occurrence!

Eric was telling me to turn it up from the time the song started.

Then why, after he turned his hand to the left in the direction of "DOWN" on volume, did you make THIS moo face and say I'm Sorry

I don't identify as a professional musician but if you wanted less keyboards in the monitor would you motion "down" and then point to the keyboard? Or would that tell the sound guy you want him to switch from lead to backup so please increase the volume to make the background overpower the foreground.

Joe lives life like a strip club drunk. He thinks he's charming and talented and that the strippers love him. Joe you're old and morbidly obese and your wife looks like a public washroom mop. You stink


You literally just described his brother.

To be fair he accurately described a majority of Italian Americans.

Yup, those Sicilian niggers are real pieces of shit.

I don't think AntH is obese.

your wife looks like a public washroom mop.

Good one.

That comparison is a bit unfair to the mop, don't you think?

Hi Joe! You're a fucking blithering retard. The members of that faggot boomer band all hated you and were embarrassed to share the stage with you. The geriatric singer was visibly angered by your incompetence. And you are at least 300 pounds.

Hi Joe! You're a fucking blithering retard. The members of that faggot boomer band all hated you and were embarrassed to share the stage with you. The geriatric singer was visibly angered by your incompetence. And you are at least 300 pounds.

Say it again for the folks in the back

Fuck I'm retarded. Thought it didn't post first time.


I love to see his pain

He's writing these to himself as much as to anyone else. He wants his delusion back of being BOC's peer instead of someone they clearly despised.

They thought he was a Make A Wish progeria kid

He's the Oscar Meyer of guitarists

It's essentially a self-expository journal entry. He's roleplaying as someone who has friends/family/fans. The only people that know about his blunders are us and him. I highly doubt his "girl" has the mental acuity to see how much of an embarrassment he is.

Ever notice you write like a half a Cumia yourself? Right down to the annoying quotation marks.

So I'm only half retarded? I'll take it.

I am behind the times.Why the fuck did BOC bring joe on stage anyway?


You guys do realize that he has an open invitation to jam with them whenever, right?

Fuck off retard.

God you guys are so fucking stupid haha

Ah fudge, I had a great "schedules clashed" zinger ready to go before this got removed.

What hotdog say i missed it

Hotdog didn’t say anything but these retarded neckbeards in this thread couldn’t tell sarcasm if it fucked them in the ass


I can read body language of musicians and that nigga wanted you off stage.

The only muscle memory he has is being penetrated at the Big Apple Ranch. Such fond memories.

Fists were definitely unclenched

I don't know why I still give a fuck about this buffoon....guess it's just habit.... ARRRGGHH!

Bovine Joe got his ego hurt.

No effect on their lives..

And then what Joe? Did he invite you to his house? 10 years later did he call and beg you to take over for him? Did you tell him "sorry I just can't do it, Eric"? Shut the fuck up, Rupert Pupkin.

Anthony said on oa that they wanted Joe to join BOC but he was too tall. They're both compulsive liars and delusional idiots. Maybe those finishing skills everyone else got by completing 10th grade could've helped these losers.

Didn’t look like dude was kidding

Joe's problem is the same as Anthony's. He just cannot resist the lure of social media and constantly provides fodder for his many online haters by incessantly posting and desperately clamoring for attention. Then when he receives the kind of attention he doesn't want, he tries to go to war with the internet, which never, ever ends well. Jamming with BOC wasn't enough for him, he had to let everyone know about it too, like the experience wasn't enough on its own.

Go chew a cud Joe

Why doesn’t he just quit visiting the sub? I don’t understand why he feels the need to come back and “battle” us. If he left the sub and quit commenting about it, the abuse would be nearly non existent after a year or so. Joe, find a new hobby. Your obsession is unhealthy, and has had a tangible effect on your life. Spend your remaining time with your family. Quit sticking your dick in the hornets nest.

Sub would probably fucking shut down if Joe didn’t show up. Queenie isn’t here

This is going to end in a murder-suicide.

Fingers crossed.

Yeah, he turned you up only to kick your fag ass off the stage just a little bit later. Fuckin lying douche

Oh, Joe. Instead of walking back your view of this event just a little bit, you're going to double down on your delusion and do yourself a lot more needless damage to your psyche.

"Whether I impressed or irritated them (probably more of the latter, lol) I got to share the stage with an all time great band. Thanks for the experience guys!"

How hard would that be? Why can't it end there? Why make so much more of it, Joe?

I'm sure Blue Oyster Cult are thrilled with his endorsement

We really mindfucked him. Again. It's almost sad to watch him cling to his petty delusions when, deep down, he knows we're correct. I wouldn't condone this against anyone I didn't consider an irredeemable piece of shit. But it's Joe, so it's cool.

Even Joe isn’t dumb enough to believe that’s what happened. If he did he wouldn’t acknowledge Reddit bashing him. He’s making the case to the idiots who agree with him on Facebook to confirm this stupid delusion he made up knowing full well we’re 100% right

He used the correct "they're". I'll give him that much.

Watch the video again and you'll notice all the other guitar players are on stage right together and he's by himself on the left.