At this moment you just know these two homos thought they’d be giant rockstars.

69  2019-07-21 by Officer_McGrady


Stupid wop homos. I bet they miss having hair so much. Ant with his fucking pube ass scrub brush "individually placed FOLLICLES" garbage. Dumb fucks.

Joe could have hair if he wanted, he shaves as a personal choice.

what a coupla twinks

The type of faggots that would buy beer for high school kids so they would have someone to hang out with.

This reminds me of when It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia tried to start a band.

Patriot Joe treating the flag with the upmost respect there.

What I got I wanna give it to your daughter

What I got I wanna give it to my brother

What I got I wanna give it to a trannny

Pop open a bud light and wash down a couple xannies

Look at Anthony grabbing himself like a sex pervert. He’s never been normal.

What’s wrong with his face lol


I believe that one day there will be justice, and Joe will usurp that scandalous traitor "Keith the Cop."

6'1?! I didn't know that people could get so tall!

When you’re that tall. Milla Jovovich just pops out of fucking thin air and sees if your schedule matches with hers.

Joe is like the puppet master manipulating the strings in the shadows.

Anthony is fucking gross. Always has been.

You just know these 2 faggots fucked after endless days and sleepless nights on crack and budlights.

Anthony is showing us where Joe Sr. touched him.

That is where Joe Jr. licked him he is squinting a lilttle from where Sr. pissed on him.

Joe wants you to believe he was a biker/army badass fighter around this stage of his life. He weighs 132 lbs. What a bitch.

Some VERY white afros going on here. Fucking niggers in denial.

Apollo's telling me this post has 21 upvotes and a 99% positive rating - suggesting one single downvote on this post.

Now, who could have done that?


Who motherfucked ants face and hair? Nevermind God did it. He just looks like a Tunisian rock star with acne scars.

Of course Joe needs a pick to play bass. Everything about him is subpar.

Hahahah Joe probably could have been a decent looking guy if he wasn't so fat and lazy.

Red Hot Chilli Niggers


A lot of “ewws” from the audience when Any came out “how ya doin’ tonight Islip!”

You know Joe loathes Ant because he left the band to pursue a radio career. This is the band Joe wanted to tour the world with but settled for cover bands.

You know Joe loathes Ant because he left the band to pursue a radio career. This is the band Joe wanted to tour the world with but had to settle for cover bands.

I think Joe glued somebody's pubes to his face

Photo of a rock and roll band before the 1979 revolution in Iran. They were put to death by the new Islamic government for sodomy.

Red Hot Shitty Peppers