People who take criticism better than Anth and Bovine Joe (1/6 Billion)

21  2019-07-20 by PhishInVa2


Im 16 and dont know dick about the internet but this video was kinda funny.

But you heard tales in freshman gym class of the legendary antics of the ona subreddit, as most youngsters do.

My moms boyfriend beats her and i just need your guys help. Hes black too.

That was the best time on the sub making fun of joe trying to get the sub to doxx some random person.

Oh how i miss high school as a 16 year old because its summer now and school is out. Hanging out with my friends stealing my black step dads beer. Making fun of the kazakhi pederast anthony cumia for trying to steal my 15 year old gf. Good times.

H.P. Lovecraft reincarnate.

My racism is immeasurable and my career is ruined.

Can't tell if he's going for a Monopoly man or WWI/WWII era British politician look with that fucking suit.

He has English cunt face, it’s a real condition. Just look at Queen Elizabeth or the members of Def Leppard for examples.

He really does look like a trainee butler.

There really is a "look" that you can almost tell they are from England.

Yeah it’s called being English

Like Maisie Williams. It’s an inbred look

There's a piss poor guy in my town that wears fancy suits like that with giant combat boots every day and is always with his semi retarded mother waiting for a cab somewhere. My buddy's 6 year old daughter screams really mean shit at him every time she sees him because even a little girl knows that he's a weird fucking loser. She repeatedly yelled "you dress like a shithead" at him the one time and she didn't even get in any trouble.

Imagine small children bullying you while adults point and laugh at you. I'd probably just start wearing normal clothes.

I'm sure that little bitch is destined for a life of unplanned pregnancy and drug abuse.

*Ant enters the chat.

Because her dad lets her yell insults at adult nerds? She's possibly the least gay kid of her generation and is bringing bullying back. She deserves an award. Weird people who do weird shit should be fucked with until they kill a bunch of people.

reviewbrah suffers for our sins to cleanse the world.

You guy's know there's more than 6 billion people in the world right?

he really doesn't understand why people want to punch him?

Nice fetal alcohol syndrome, stupid.

Reviewbrah has weird mental disorders yet he still takes criticism and can regularly put out content more interesting then anything compound media does

Comment- “You look like a lizard or some shit”

Review Brah- “Well you do have a point. Id say i look like a salamander as well. Good observation.”