When a successful comedian doesn't return a struggling comedians phone calls

131  2019-07-19 by Nuwanda84


Mutherfucked me


Forget egg whites and Prep. See a fucking counselor, you insecure twat.

Whatcha gonna do, baby boy faggot? Wait till DL is gone to talk shit like the faggoty faggot you are?

Did he?

Nice Patton Oswalt expression, stupid.

That show was painfully shitty.

He's looking at DL how 99.99999999% percent of the world looks at him.

Opie had to love just ruining that fucking worms day. It had to feel so sweeeeet. Just to get a taste. Just a taste.

A lil' bit!

That's what happens when you play with The Psycho.

I'm sure his losses were close to 60 grand, that's why the frustration

I'm ready for my close-up, Alena.

Is that Norton trying to look tough? He looks like an old man with dementia who just shat himself.

Crybaby little faggot. "They don't pay me to leave for one interview!" No, they pay you to stick around and fuck up interviews while you're not otherwise occupied by your phone. Faggot.



envious worm


Facial expression straight out of a nursing home

Just needs apple sauce on the chin.

He was making this face because DL cancelled on him last minute right before his Vice show was about to shoot.

The worm held a grudge but never actually talked to him personally because confrontation would turn him salty and that doesn't help a slug. The piece of shit should have never even booked Hughley because they have the chemistry of an unlit candle and a tumbleweed. He's such a ladder climbing scumbag that he failed to even get his decent friends on the show. The blinking in the monologue was the most promising bit. Fuck Norton.

Too wordy, stupid.

Opie calls the shots.

Hughley: "What's wrong with Jim? You alright?"

Jim: "We've had issues."

What a homo.