When are we going to take this fuck down?

70  2019-07-13 by suirogerg


I think we should just start spamming WWE with Sam hate and expose his bullying

someone with a knack for it should make a concise edit citing examples of his years-long pattern of workplace harassment and deceitful behavior towards colleagues

cp jones and pat duffy still post here and someone could probably get them on record with more

That'd get him a promotion in WWE

na, sam isn't a creep for an act. even there their opinion of him would take a dive if they heard about how he acts when the mic is off.

Fuck yea! Can you imagine the destruction we can cause when all 34 people left here start tweeting?!

Thanks for your input, Sam.

So, in your brain, you have to believe that one of the 30 people left posting here is Sam Roberts so you can give yourself some validation? That's fucking awesome! Keep up the good work, champ.

In my brain, it has to be Sam Roberts because nobody in their right mind would defend the guy, let alone listen to him on the radio for pleasure.

Thanks for the analysis of my brain, sport.

I'm not defending Sam, I'm mocking you for the delicious cringing I received watching you try and rally 2 dozen people into a Pest Army campaign. Back when hundreds of people posted here, they couldn't even "take down" a fat, no name writer.

Nice beard, stupid

Riding off the high of another successful Joe Cumia post because this is r/brotherjoe now, right?

Nice comment, stupid

shut up, faggot

Nice, when's the comedy central special coming out?

They're affiliated with the Special Olympics. Sam made fun of, and emotionally tortured, a special needs person for years on air. Shouldn't be difficult.

They're all about anti-bullying.

Sam bullied Steve C until he hung himself

Opie spearheaded that

Steve was chronic relapser and super depressed. He should have done a million things (like firing Sam or quitting) before hanging himself if it was that hellish. He listened to his black dogs and that’s all on him, I hate to tell ya

I don't think Opie directly bullied him into sewerside, but he constantly harped on him for things that weren't his fault and did nothing to save his job. Opie blamed everyone around him for not being Howard level.

They literally donate money to the Special Olympics, and they have someone on payroll who made a special needs person cry multiple times on air. It's available for anyone to listen to on YouTube. Again, this really shouldn't be hard.

Only big issue is nobody knows, or cares, who Sam is.

I tried doing this on the WWE subreddit and the faggiest faggotry ensued. I actually time stamped the link in the Last Professional Broadcaster to the part about Steve C. and nearly every post was along the lines of “ someone’s obsessed! “ and similar horse shit. You’re not going to fuck this gremlin over by appealing to the good taste of his employers.

He also used go on air doing a gay character and used a very offensive steroypical gay voice

For a guy with a radio show and WWE gig, he has a really lackluster digital footprint. He's virtually anonymous beyond this and the wrestling sub. He's worse than a soft target.

I like this answer. I just want to see something get to this shithead, though.

We could have someone throw a brick at him

Sam is Trumpian in his teflon-ness. His level of disaffected is clinical.

excerpts of pat duffy and cpjones should go viral on twitter the way cakestomp does.. but no one gives a fuck about him


Isn't this the same dude who's mom saved his hair in a Ziploc bag after a haircut? Maybe I'm wrong. His dad is the weird one with that big mustache and his mom kept his cut hair as a keepsake. Jeebus Christ

It was a Tupperware but yeah, you’re correct sir. This piece of shit has managed to escape the beating he deserves.

Damnit I thought so. Like why save his hair? It's not gonna be his first haircut or anything. Seems like some strange things happened in that family over the years. Stranger things. Amirite?

That was so fucking gross.

His dad was probably the "it's cold outside" guy from Patrice's story. In fact, till I hear evidence to the contrary, that's a fact.

"Go inside! They got buttermilk in there!"

A fucking documentary implicating him in the suicides of multiple people wasn't enough to bring him down. Unlike say, Brother Joe, who is just a retard, Sam may be an actual spawn of Satan himself.

This is true. It could also be because nobody fucking knows who Sam Roberts is. He’s somehow present without having any sort of backstory or anything. Even in O&A days, he just coasted through and was never called out on anything. Maybe he’s just the right combination of hack and recognized? Either way, people won’t like his bullying shit once they find out

Well he is a jew.

Has he ever confirmed this?

He made a pact with satan at the age of 19, but first, he had to give up and trade Lucifer his foreskin.

I thought thats what all those memes about breaking into area 51 were about, taking this fucking alien mutant back home

There's nothing to take down

$5,000 to whoever takes him down