Reminder- Joe pretended to be the guy on the bottom, a dude with a distinct lack of big gay cow eyes. Pathetic fantasist!

81  2019-07-08 by McGowan9


In the O&A Movie, Joe can be played by Leah Dunham

What an unfortunate looking...thing. The pissy shit colored eyes, the giant dick sucking lips, the enormous ears

If he ever served in the US, it was because they were training Egyptian conscripts within a broader military cooperation agreement.

If he served like a man for his fellow Americans and just (((American troop))) as he claimed I would have respect this retard for at least having courage but with being racist pedophile with stolen valour discredited him for ever doing a good thing if he whores himself online like ant did it wouldn’t even matter how dumb do you have to be to still leech off your unemployed brother and not make money by letting strangers make fun of you for money. I would donate 0.99 to call him a patoto peeling nigger.

Edit: am drunk and angry at this nigger tier wop sorry for the spelling