Women not welcome in Anthony's pool 3/3,567,000,000

22  2019-07-06 by Kenn_Kennnerson


she could be my black friend.

I’m going to “stand with ant” on this one. Just because a black is mildly not disgusting isn’t enough for me. This bitch is a disgusting sloppy mess.

Her body is decent. She has some weird star trek alien face though.


lol ok

I don't mean decent in a bad way. She has a nice body. From the neck down.


Glittery faggot.

something died inside me when i found out most black women are actually bald

This is entirely false

Did you know black women have the worst hair out of any any racial group, why else would they buy poor Indian women hair all the time.

Did you know white people have limp stringy dog hair

Leave Carol out of this

Her shit is literally broom bristles it make me wanna cry

Hair looks like a chia pet, remember the commercial ch ch ch ch CHIA

Niggas always have a curlier nappy pubic hairs on their heads

Do they.

ants_ccw_permit is a nappy headed ho

My hair is beautiful, dumbass

You should always thank white people for that one, look at Lupita Nyong'o now she's a ugly bald headed bitch.

She's stunning and keeping her hair short accentuates her beauty. Doesn't mean she's incapable of growing it long. Knock it off

What is it with black, mixed women that always defend her "beauty" and get extremely mad if you bring up shes not attractive at all.

Are you blind or gay?

I know by your comments when your weave was being sown in it pierce your fucking brain. No I have a certain type its mixed women especially European with any native people, also the color contrast between black and pink is fucking ugly. Look at a dark skin women with pink panties ewwww. I had to break up with a pretty black girl because seeing her pink pussy with dark lips got my dick soft.

All those models are fucking gross, gay gays pick out these skelaton models I like meaty women like the one shown in the post ash something is her name. Your the faggot dyke looking women in pink panties.

Well I'm going to bed but if I think If I seen you on a picture on the old sub then you do have the most perfect beautiful hair I've seen.


I have living in a society where we have to keep pretending that bitch is pretty.

Yeah that's why you wear wigs to look like us.

We also have normal belly buttons and fathers for our children.

Only the really black, poor and impatient ones are.

Whatever, queer

I’m not into thunder thighs and cottage cheese ass. I like white girls, just like everyone else.

Eww your a faggot you like boney ass white bitches

You gay.

There are some great looking black women around, but the VAST majority of them truly are disgusting swine human pig hybrids.

A decent number of the good looking ones are mixed race.

Mmmm, a delicacy straight from darkest Congo.

Ready to be bamboozled with reefer sticks and magic tricks before giving snout and being driven back to Darkytown.

Where she rightfully belongs.

this bits gay


Well of course not. Ant only likes teenagers.

She's fat, it's just distributed in her ass and thighs instead of her stomach and face.

She wouldn't be welcome at my humble Panera Bread employee one bedroom apartment.

Haha hole lee shit

So who is it

This is old but she is a sparkling wiggle

That's one shiny shine.