Nana was on Legion of Skanks again. He's very drunk and bombs through the whole thing. Also, he gets zooted off a weed vape at one point.

30  2019-07-05 by 1073WAAF


Nana shouldn’t do drugs in public, they might take her guns away

Once they take the eggs away it's over.

Can you provide some time stamps plz? I can't listen to nearly 2 hours of this ha ha Holy shitting.

I hate HHHS podcasts. Just have a conversation ya fuckin qwuhs.


thanks for trying, stupid

I listened to the whole thing with it on at work and he has massive bombs in the last half an hour, they even force him to do Dice like he’s a puppet.

I don't think there are enough people on this show.

Oh I don’t know about that, I was sort of thinking the opposite!

Yeah, there's actually quite a few people on the show.

They should have brought in Jimmy, Jay Mohr and Opie as well

It's a legion. The more, the better. Get on with the times, man.

Anthony's laugh at 2:40 is enough for me to turn off the video, WOW is that uncomfortable.

Bobby easily takes up 40% of the frame on a 3 man shot.

Between Anthony's fake laugh and that hyena in the background, this is hard to sit through.

Fake happy.

Smart move to put Dave in the shadows. Now just slowly lower the volume on his mic every episode and soon enough it’ll be like he was never there.

God, Anthony is just so uncomfortable. Uncomfortable in his own (pockmarked) skin, uncomfortable to look at, uncomfortable being around people in public. His awful fake laugh and faggoty voice are unbearable.

Hes not white, did you know that sir?

I'm pretty sure Reddit has destroyed all of his self esteem and confidence.

His worst fake laugh is the one where it pitches upward with each "ha" and it ends with that almost imperceptible little wheeze.

imperceptible little wheeze.

Hopefully a symptom of something unpleasant


Without even watching, I wonder if his stupid ass passionately made a 50s reference, expecting the others to explode with laughter

"AHAHAHAHA THAT'S HILARIOUS! It reminds me of this one episode of Trapper John M.D. where he said "nigger!" AHAHAHAHAHA!"

What a tired old nincompoop

I was recently listening to a LOS clip of Luis talking about his dog running away and ant and jim were both on the episode. I don’t think they said anything that wasn’t some shit reference. I fucking hate their obsession with faggot Colombo and all the other retarded shit they repeat

The only time I’ve enjoyed ant in the last few years is his LOS spots. Guess that’s over now.

Why do so many of these fags smoke so much.

Because they're fags. Oral fixation and nervous queers who don't know what to do with their hands.

Sitting there all nervously in his Tony Two-Shirts getup with the awful, awful forced laughter...yuck.

Nice feed nana, stupid.

Look at how Ant's arm keeps twitching. Nervous fruit

What a fucking intolerable old queen. His drunken fake laughter is unbearable.

When the egg is turned up to 20.

I wish I knew why everyone is laughing

6:50 lmao Blob Kelly "max was grooming" then looks right at the pedophile Anthony Cumia.

Wtf is up with the laugh from that guy right behind nana? What a pathetic excuse for a man

Jesus fucking Christ. what a waste of fucking time

oh hell yea ant lol