Tiny Little Zilch

42  2019-07-02 by flip0pilf


Luis is Puerto Rican so you know he's far from tall. There he is towering over Anthony.

I’ve been to a couple LOS tapings a few years ago and I’d guess Gomez is 6’0-6’1, so that means Cumia’s maybe 5’8 on a good day.

No wonder he dates teenagers, he’s the same damn size. Pathetic.

A good day = Remembers his lifts


Holy shit he’s that tall?

Had a chance with Mila. Fucking schedules man

That's why he had to bend down to suck that dildo in Bobby's pants. Because he's so tall.

He is. I saw him at a show. I of course towered over him because men start at 6’3”

He must date movie stars

I know Big Jay is 6'3" because I met him after The Bonfire Christmas taping a couple years ago, and we're the same height. Soder is slightly taller. Yet Google says DeRosa is 5'10".

So my scale is all fucked up here.

Anthony can't even stretch his arm to Luis' far shoulder for the picture, looks like he is hugging a tree.

Nice retard-fat, Blobby

He looks like he got skin-grafts after suffering 3rd degree burns on his entire head

His head-blubber is consuming his features.

His head-blubber is displacing his features.

Curl Anthony into a fetal position and he could comfortably fit in Bobby's gut.

I'd hardly call Bobby 'tiny'.

Get out of my swamp, you smarmy douche.

Nice to see Savio Vega, The Blue Meanie, and King Kong Bundy still getting work.

40 year olds should be shot for wearing slinny jeans.

WTF is up with the 2 shirts! Out of all this nonsense I find this the most infuriating. WHY DO YOU WEAR TWO SHIRTS?

There's nothing wrong with wearing two shirts if you fucking button the goddamn thing up.

Yeah it’s weird that he wears it every day but why do people not get the 2 shirts? Would you wear a shirt like that with no undershirt?

Would you wear a shirt like that with no undershirt?

In July? Yes, probably.

Nana gets chilly, cut her some slack

Yeah you just button it up ya fuck, it's not a cardigan.

Probably a sweating issue.

Anthony has been hiding pit stains behind that Malcolm Costume all this time.

nothing wrong with two shirts. the thing that gets me is how he never remembers the puka shell necklace I got for him at Wildwood

Yes. No. Maybe. I don't know. Can you repeat the question?

Nana looks like a ventriloquist’s dummy.

I'm sure Anthony would love to have Luis' hand inside him.

B Kelly looks like he's gonna drag some meat back to his cave

He looks like a gay little boy.

That was the subject of Joe Senior and Ro's last conversation as a married couple.

Joe Sr was a larping faggot, just like Joe Jr.

He pretended to be a cowboy, and now the fat cow pretends to be a musician.


Even the fat Puerto Rican dude on the right is taller than AntH


How is it that Anthony looks the most ethnic and gay in a picture like this?

Visual acuity test completed and passed

Dungeons and Dragons club holds it annual meeting.....

Bob's collapsing in on himself.

The other 4 are rotating around him

When it comes to celestial Bobbies the term is "orbiting"

He's got the same facial expression as that picture of him dancing in the piss-shower.

No, Luis! You're going pee-pee!

It's all I see now every time I see a picture of him.

he’s having the time of his life!!!

In this picture: two career openers, a spic embracing his dyke grandmother, and an endangered sea mammal native to Southern Florida.

Christ, Bobby...

Can someone please wire that fat fucks mouth shut? I think he's fibbing when he says he's trying to lose weight

When joe derosa isnt by far the ugliest guy in your group picture you know youre a bunch of ugly mofos. Hes arguably top 2 best looking here. Jesus.

Jay’s toothpick legs look even funnier next to Bobby.

They defy physics and biology.

I don’t understand.

He has the same cock-feasting grin as the artistic rendition of him wearing mommy's shoes.

Was anyone able to salvage that from the old sub?

I can't take my eyes of the Beluga whale that is Bobby. Fuck, man, have some self respect.