Reminder: Degenerate gambler Nana used to spit on the floors of the Borgata when he would lose a lot of money. Once he bragged about spitting in front of a janitor and giving him a “yeah, you clean it up” look.

119  2019-07-01 by wwendell

Of course, Nana was never alone when he’d throw these tantrums and always had his entourage with him—otherwise that 5’5” guinea would get his ass beat.

Also, I’d love to know what he’d say if he saw a person of colour acting that way. Nice projecting your own trashy behaviour onto other races, stupid.


Classless trash. He will die in obscurity surrounded by vultures

Ant already looks like he haunts the compound studio. It'd be a lateral move into death


Conservative Cumia


Euro faggot.

I just cannot get my head round the spitting on the floor thing. I've never witnessed or even heard of anyone doing that outside of nana and the worm.

He watched Goodfellas and just assumed it made him a real Italian.

He wanted to be like the other wives.

I was unaware nana did this. That he brazenly did it at a janitor, who probably made less that nana was playing with at the table makes me sick. Is there anything else we can do to make the cumias lives a misery?

Is there anything else we can do to make the cumias lives a misery?

Rest assured that Ant is completely miserable already and his life will only get worse with each passing year.

Your problem is you aren't ambitious enough

Who probably make more than the "talnets" of his channel tho

You can tell a lot about a person by the way they treat the "little people," waiters, bar staff, cleaners etc. Only completely garbage people are unnecessarily rude or disrespectful towards them so it's no surprise that Cumia did that. The spitting on the floor thing is next level though. Never seen or heard of anyone doing that, not even the worst kind of English football hooligan chav scum.

Yeah, its really vile. A waiter has to be unbelievably bad for me to even say anything. It would never occur to me to spit on the floor, knowing that an underling would be on their hands and knees later getting it out of the carpet. Jims just as bad. Fucking utter cunts.

Yeah, a waiter or whatever would have to be actively rude to me or someone I was with before I was rude to them. If they were just really shit, no tip is the easy solution.

Cumia watched the Sopranos and saw Paulie Walnuts/Christopher etc snapping their fingers at servers saying "Come here, gimme another drink" and thought it was meant to make them look like cool tough guys worthy of emulating. He didn't realise they were supposed to look like assholes.

His duderanch pedad and whore mother didn't give him the wholesome childhood he was due, so he looks to gavone mobsters on tv for role models. He is so close to the black "thugs" he despises, and he has no idea.

Ant never got to impress his daddy so he uses his collection of parasite and leeches as a daddy substitute to impress with his pedophilia and retard-like behavior.

They aren't people! Glad he would always punch Keith though.

Keith is getting every penny's worth off of him by running his media company to the ground.

The only guy capable of turning things around watches with disinterest as his brother is progressively cleaned out


Joe Cumia: "That janitor was me."

Don't ever demean a hard working American like that by comparing them to some deadbeat welfare queen like Joe Cumia

Nana must have lost a lot of money for the casino to put up with his horseshit.

Money is the only thing that ever made the count even vaguely tolerable

His Dice impression was pretty good. Tony Danzer too.

Enough to inhabit his breathing space for any length of time?

Think how many months all that money lost at the Borgata could have kept Compound Media afloat so that Keith can embezzle more of his money and keep it from the rightful heir Joe Cumia.

he used to spit on the floor, it never made any sense to me

He is such a hypocritical ass. He looks at Italian mob violence and general trashiness like they're a bunch of lovable scamps. But if a black woman gets a little mouthy in line at the bank he calls black people animals and hints at his desire to shoot them.

"They're savages who don't know how to behave like civilized people" said the beer-addled retard as he hocked phlegm on the casino carpet. "Fucking animals," he distractedly mumbled as a twelve year old girl walked by, "goddamed irresponsible animals".

He's like Stephen Paddock, without the guns.

Having a corrupt cop in your pocket can do wonders .

Typical moor behaviour

His best friend used to spit on the floor when his boss wouldn't turn the volume down on a caller that was disagreeing with him.

He’s like that hick in Casino that wouldn’t take his feet off the table.

Except that hick was actually white.

Well from his hick perspective he and his family lived in this inhospitable wasteland desert for generations then a bunch of wops and heebs start showing up throwing money around like they owned the whole state so he was alfa male-ing them, in his mind.

I'm so glad all those rich commie chinks ruined his fun by chimney smoking at his table,makes you think that mommy shoes doesn't really lose control during boozing as he likes to claim, as he would do what every former smoker does when drunk i.e. bum a fag.

This grandiose fuck actually believes he’s such a high roller, they let him spit on the floor. He’s so insignificant to Vegas Casinos that he could piss on the floor like every homeless man who walks in there to use the slot machines and they couldn’t care less. The only bodily fluids they care about are shit and cum because their janitors can sue over being made to clean that up.

Those people. Why can't they behave?

I chuckle at all the rube's that believe this

Nice apostrophe, stupid. You sure do type like a high school dropout. Maybe even a Nana!

Has anyone ever seen a janitor in a casino?

Only when some fag throws up.

Totally a man of the people. Just like Trump who would refuse to pay the contractors and construction workers on his buildings.

Typical NYC Metro area wop behavior. Nothing out of the ordinary here.

Source: grew up with NY Metro area guido wop bastards.

REMINDER - Known predator Anthony Cumia would also have one of his cretinous henchmen goons hold a "frustration pillow" on his casino trips which he would pound with his frail, semen crusted knuckles when things were not going his way.

Who the fuck spits on the floor of a casino or any other commercial building?! Why?

The Cumias aren't even people.