Piece of shit.

109  2019-07-01 by suirogerg


you dont think endless sarcasm and snark is an adequate compensation for lack of talent? maybe even a little?

Nice sarcasm and sneakiness, stupid.

That's considered the highest form of comedy in the UK .

is it?

Unfortunately yes , although , I wouldn't say there aren't funny people in the UK per se , it mainly ranges from dry humor to "Mad Lad" pisshead banter . You have to understand that the UK comedy circuit is controlled by the BBC (State) , by "controlled i mean if you get banned from the BBC you won't get a chance to make it big time . You can still probably get a gig in a pub full of 20 people or so .


There's also a corny Afro-Caribbean comedy circuit where they take the piss out of each other .

You lost me at "per se". Limey fuck.

I made it to “mad lad”

I'm not a Limey but i could tell you things that would blow your mind like cwor blimey .

He looks like a faggot who would release a really shitty folk album that gets a 7.8 on Pitchfork that no one remembers in 3 months.

so you photoshopped out the shit turd he was putting out of his mouth?

Seriously, someone needs to repost that.

nice one bro :)

He looks like a guy that lives in the woods and shits in an outhouse.

The guy who lives in the woods and shit in outhouses doesn’t call emergency services for a flat tire

He was a complete prick to Fez. Fuck Bland Roberts.

He screwed over scorch then did the exact same thing to opie. He really is a backstabbing piece of shit.

Word on the street is he screwed over the beloved WWE superstar Chris Jericho , from what remember , during the Norton vs Jericho altercation , it was Sam that instigated the whole thing . Basically , he told the worm about Jericho hating Christopher reeves and Norton , being his wormy self , trashed Reeves in desire of gaining favor with Jericho .


It was all Sam's fault . I just wish Diehard wrestling fans would know this factoid because they take that sort of stuff seriously .

Does anyone have the picture the show took of that half-nig faggot sucking on a dildo ?

fake bearded mother fucka

Thomas Jefferson..

Genetic disaster


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He looks like one of the Wildings.

Why do bald bastards get that glazed donut shiny forehead? It's like the secondary signal that the days of being able to grow hair on your head are over. The fact that this cunt is hanging on to the remains of his awful Jewfro is one of the most hateable things about him.

Jewfro isn’t even close to the worst thing about this dainty twink.


Also a murderer. Sam Roberts killed Steve C.

Look at ol’ sweaty forehead and rosacea cheeks trying to fake enthusiasm and energy to put on a performance.

You’ll never be a wrestling manager or commentator you faggot. Just a weasel on the pre show that is there because dinosaurs think that having a satellite radio show is good ‘exposure’

I have a question

Even if you didn't know how to change a tire wouldn't you call your insurance company for roadside assistance? Why the police?

Because he's a coddled man-child who lacks any basic/useful skills.

He really is a talentless piece of shit. He is unlistenable.

Faggot ass dino nugget eating faggot

Please don’t compare him to a piece of shit, that’s insulting, to the shit. Shit doesn’t cackle at everything said to remind people you are in the room.

It takes considerable talent to make jim seem unfunny. Sam is able to do that. Sucks all life from the room. Useless intern. Took all credit for jocktober. Bring Anthony back. Fuck Sam.

Anthony was hilarious back in the day before the black president made his head explode. Even if Anth could go back to being funny I could never go back to being a fan. Too much abhorrently ghoulish behavior of his has come to light. Human garbage


the HGH made him go full caveman in all the wrong places

he must be keeping that hair out of spite or denial. nobody could think a fucking balding jewfro with 3 widows peaks looks good.