Seriously, Joe, why did Anthony gift your part of his company to some dipshit ex-cop ?

102  2019-06-28 by JoeCumiaDotCom

We all know that YOU dragged Anthony to success. He's a lazy fuck who would probably be dead if you hadn't stood outside that studio refusing to moove until you personally handed that tape to the Opster. YOU. Not Keith. He came along after as some ballwasher hanger-on. But then he went from waging the pants to wearing them. That should be YOU running CP Media. It's supposed to be the Super Cumia Bros. Not Anthony & Keith. You're the older brother's you're smart. But you were passed over, Joe.



Yeah Joe. It should be YOU living in a big house with no yard that you call a mansion sucking little flaccid tranny dicks, buying all the ass eggs and the faggiest cats money can buy.

Hey! I think Beavis is a very handsome and majestic cat.

I wouldn’t get one of those because I’m not a crazy old cat lady, but I think you’re being unfair here

Beavis is a fucking homo.

Oh so now being molested makes you gay?

In my case, yes.

Airborne veteran trumps cop any day of the week, Joe. This isn't right.

Stop being a little bitch, Joe. Take what is rightfully yours. You're smart, handsome, talented, and in great shape. You got this, we believe in you!

Don't forget his towering stature.

And 6'1"!

He's your older brother, Anth. HE GOT STEPPED OVAAA He's smart! Taken care of him? Your his kid brother and you take care of him? Did you ever think about that, huh? Did you ever ONCE think about that? Sure it is. That's why he wears a Superman shirt.

But in all seriousness, if Joe ran TACN I guarantee he'd book, promote, manage and otherwise maintain the smooth operation of The Anthony Cumia Network.

You know how I know?

Leadership and organizational skills are his strong points. He runs every job (or show) as close to military operation standards as possible, which in this business, makes me somewhat of an anomaly.

And not just that, he's a Guitarist / Multi-Instrumentalist / Engineer / Producer (well versed in both Live and Studio environments) AND he's available for freelance work either in his own state of the art recording / production facility, or in a "for hire" situation elsewhere, with new artists, cover/original bands looking to cut a demo, independent film makers, advertising agencies or any other individual / company looking for anything in the way of professional audio / video production. No job too big or small. AND he's conveniently located off the Port Jefferson LIRR line, saving Anth from having to ride into the city because his license is suspended for driving like an n.

Unlike Keith who understands neither the "show" or "business" aspect of "show business," has zero experience running a streaming service, knowledge of IT, etc.

Gotta say, now I'm craving some Fettuccine Joefredo. It's like regular Alfredo but after you drain the pasta and add cheese, you smash your girlfriend with the full pan and remind, "I made this.. ME"

I think you have to tag u/Doxxer100 in the comments for him to see it. That said, he’s chewing on some hay so it might take him a minute to hoof out a response.

That's his cud, sir.

And by the way, how tall is Keith? He's a shrimp like Ant. How is he supposed to woo talent to the show?

I hear Joes 6'1"

No way

I bet he can dunk

Joe's got a 3 inch vertical

Jesus, with stats like that I bet he could pull in some famous actress tang.

is that he’s a shrimp like, ant? or shrimp like ant 🤔

Keith is Program Director & Executive Producer of Compound Media. That's money out of your pocket Joe. You should be the one with the boat.

All the backlash and disrespect you get from this sub is ultimately due to this, Joe. Why are letting your blood right be taken away like this.

Keith wasn't even going to give you the old tricaster, when they moved into the city studio, because he hates and fears you. I'm sure you know Dawn had to plead to Anthony.

Grow a pair you fat wop faggot

I would patreon any effort for Joe to go after Ant and Keith for rightfully stealing what was his claim to fame...

Joe honestly get yours before your bro pisses it away...

Joe, you're all talk. When it's the time for action you pussy out. Go and take what's yours. Do some paratrooper shit. Kick the door in. Slap Ant's girlfriend. Kick right into Keith's balls. Unclenche Bobo's hands and tell your brother you own half of Everything from now on.

Joe should at LEAST have a well-paid show on the network.




Joe owns and manages bands. He has more experience than that crooked cop.

This is truly some King Lear shit.
I bet after Anth got fired, he gathered his closest friends and asked who take his idea of a network to the next level.
Instead of flatteries and stroking his ego, Joe, as a humble man, chose to remain cool and composed.
Keith the cuck poured honey in Anth's ear and misguided the shock jock : instead of reaching unthinkable heights, he single-handedly sunk the network into the abyss of obscurity.

Those welfare checks are worth far more than that sinking ship

This reverse psychology is fucking masterful lol