Imagine calling 911 for a flat tire and not blowing your brains out that very same night.

34  2019-06-26 by Officer_McGrady

The balls on this fuckin guy.


Imagine your girlfriend not seeing this, your chicken nugget obsession, overbearing mother, etc. as a red flag.

Like Sam, Jess is also a sociopath. Who knows what skeletons she has in her closet?

Seriously. She’s severely mentally ill to settle for that

Even a fucking hideous, 300 lb hamplanet mentally ill dumpster fire of a woman would at least have reservations with that, and yet Jess married him?

Sam is actually extremely violent and controlling behind closed doors. You might think he looks like a flesh-colored skeleton with no muscle mass due to his diet consisting of nothing but tendies, but he mentally abuses Jess constantly to make up for his lack of ability to use physical force, and if necessary he is not afraid to use weapons such as his one of his negro sneakers from his collection

Haha angry Sam beating his woman with a shoe. Someone draw this please.

Let's not also forget he wouldn't spend any money on a TV. They used other people's throw away 13" tvs while he spent money on wrestling dolls. Opie destroyed his TV in a bet and they forced him to buy a new one. He still bought something like a 20".

And the audacity to make a rap “song” while calling yourself “Junior Mint.”

i think he actually spelled it "june your mynt" or something phonetically to try and be like Eminem

if you wanted to kill me just for having even brought this fact to your attention, i understand and would not hold that against you

Eminem heheheh just noticed that

9 minutes

Featuring Mel Gibson.

My front passenger tire blew a few months Go. I call3d my boss and told him the situation and that I'd be late. I put the spare on and finished my drive to work. I fucking hate sam.

I changed my first tire when I was 13 and my old man was recovering from surgery and couldn't do it. He just told me what to do and I did it. Sam is a faggot and so is his raw potato eating father.

My daughter is 8. She couldn't loosen the lug nuts nut she knows the basic principle. Sams dad shoukdnkill himself.

I pretty much learned at the same age. No reason in the world a man can not know how to change a tire.

On top of all that, just look at him!

I saw a man cry because he missed a Spice Girls gig due to a broken down train the other week.

Still not as gay as Sam calling 911

Sam sits next to a flatulent closeted gay man with a broken rectum all morning. It's almost as if he's being punished for something...