Regardless of whether Anthony Cumia is a pedophile or not - is his show any good?

0  2019-06-25 by schmuckOnWheels

And is it worth paying for? Panera doesn't pay me that well.



He’s fawkin hilarious

Fake laughter

It wasn’t worth paying for the first year, when I wanted to support him, and he had the skanks.


I've never listened but I feel I can safely say it isn't.


Pay for? No but getting it for free... also no but if you want to check it out there are many ways to get it free

Not without Artie

Nobody watches or listens to that shit, and we all know how to pirate it. The show isn’t the least bit entertaining.

If someone paid you to listen to it, you'd still give up after a couple of days. Watching even a couple of minutes of that alcoholic old gargoyle nervously fidgeting in front of a camera is a horribly uncomfortable experience.

Not even the free promos on YouTube keep my attention

I had a subscription to compound media. Had it for a year and hardly ever listened. The web page was always messing up. Didn't like it. Wish I had cancelled after the first month.