Serious question: why do the Cumio Bros. each pronounce their last name differently?

22  2019-06-24 by schmuckOnWheels

I've never heard of this before. I know Joe is dumb (maybe I've answered my own question), but I would like to know how this is possible.


Joe Queuemia and Anthony Coomia


Tony Coonia, you say?

Joe knows how to pronounce his name. He just thought he was classing it up for the people’s court.

Joe has said he pronounces it differently than Ant. I don’t get it.

I guarantee if you ask this moron Joe he would tell that he's pronouncing it the proper "Italian" way even though that would still be incorrect.

that's it. Joe's father pronounced it the proper way and Anthony pronounces it the american way. the Appice bros are the same way.

Um no. The u vowel sound is pronounced oo 100% of the time in italian.


Yeah in one of his random social media brags he said he helped an old lady get a picture out of her car and she pronounced his name perfectly in the old school Italian way


Joe is a cyunt.

Joe is a dyouche.

Yeah, it's because Joe is a retard.

Different dads?

Both black.

A certain Street artist call them cumio

You peel potatoes, he peels patahtoes

My guess is that Ant pronounces it the way his dad did and Joe's version got corrupted while he was in the army. His drill sergeant probably said it that way and it just stuck with him and everyone he was training with

OpieRaqio had Nana change it so it was safe for radio.

On the Howard Stern contest (that Joe takes credit for Nana's career) Nana pronounced it "Kyooomia."