Torpid Nana

29  2019-06-22 by Christopher_Barton


all opie has to do is bring up pedophilia

Shows you how much of a gentleman hes been, not using the hydrogen bomb all this time.

He knows thingssss. Faawkin dark thingssss

why would he blow his own cover, pal? the opesters as dumb as it gets but hes not that dumb, fella. know what im sayin?

also, opie is an active pedophile

Leave it alone.

As long as Opie keeps inept ex-cops away he's 10 steps ahead of Nana.

He kicked Kenny to the kerb as soon as he could. The destroyer knows



Yes, kerb, whats your point, stupid?

You’re an illiterate moron.

A curb, or kerb, is the edge where a raised sidewalk or road median/central reservation meets a street or other roadway.

You're a fucking dope

In what faggoty language does anyone spell it kerb, cocksucker?

Its called English, dipshit.

Must be rough being such a dumb morherfucker.

Must be rough being such a dumb morherfucker.

Nice morherfucker, frothing stupid.

At least I didn’t spell curb kerb like a flaming limey faggot.

Shut up bundle of sticks

You know, usually when someone pulls out the definition and proves their point, it’s enough to shut the argument down. But even after that, the common consensus is you’re still a dumb stupid retard.

common consensus

Nice redundancy, stupid.

It was supposed to be general, auto correct.

If you come at the king, you'd better not miss.

Back or face?

Tummy, I like to rub it in

Open really needs to just tweet out "feed nana"

I can picture Nana shaking angrily and grabbing the Xanax bottle out of her purse after reading that one.

Opie is actually wrong on this. Ant flat out admitted the other day during the Kevin Brennan thing that he doesn't do anything except sit in front of the mic because anything else "isn't his strong suit" which is just his full of shit way of admitting one or both of the following things about himself and his career:

He's too lazy and doesn't care enough to have a hand in running what he claims is his own company so he allows an inept, unqualified ex-cop to do it for him. Opie once said during an argument between the two that it seemed like Ant was lazy and didn't really care about his career as long as he was getting paid.

The other possibility is that Ant, a high school dropout and person who could barely handle doing HVAC work, is and always has been too fucking stupid to do anything other than sit in front of a mic running his mouth. Not sure how else you can explain spending 20+ years in a career and knowing nothing of the business aspect of it. He should at least know enough to be able to set some business related standards which his shitty, less than amateurishly run company obviously lacks.

One thing about Ant is that he never really came across as stupid. Its definitely pure laziness. But what do you expect, being Sicilian and all, you know how muddy their genes are.

At a certain point, laziness is a form of stupidity. The only reason he may not outwardly come across as stupid, ala Joe, is that he regurgitates things which make him sound smarter than he actually is. Can you recall ever hearing him say anything that made you pause and think, "wow, I've never heard that take before." I can't. "Professor Anthony" was him trying to bullshit people into thinking he had half a brain. The last five years or so has been the real Anthony and the real Anthony is a lazy retard.

He was a google genius

This is absolutely true. He's a "jack of all trades." The other half of that saying is the important part, "and a master of none."

He's an intellectually lazy idiot, evinced by, not only his failure to finish even a basic high school education, but his complete contempt for anything except the most passive forms of learning. Can you remember him ever talking about reading a book? No, in fact he (like his cretinous brother) was always openly scornful of reading, displaying that "books are for fags" mentality that is always a favourite of the lowest pieces of shit in any society. If it wasn't an easily digestible tv show or pedestrian Discovery channel-style spoon feeding, Anthony wasn't interested.

The only reason he got away with being able to think of himself as some kind of auto-didact was that he spent 15-20 years sharing a studio with 2 of the few people in the world who were even less intellectually curious than him; Opie and Jim. That and the fact that his brother is developmentally disabled, so he was always "the smart brother."

I miss Sloth_Bot

If Ant had as many subscribers as Twitter defenders... He'd have ten.

I wonder which one of the Twitter accounts that commented on that tweet is Anthony's "super secret" account?