So why did you beg him to join CP Media then?

84  2019-06-22 by HomeRunCumia_Deux


Anthony Cumia is a dishonest person.

They're not people!!!

not a wholesome fellow

Antony Cumia is a dishonest n person sir. It’s an important distinction to make

Nana cries for attention when she's not been fed.

someone please feed Nana.

He's so infatuated with Opie and afraid of any possible success he might have.

Anthony, concentrate on your own show and stop worrying about what your ex is up to. Faggot.

Anthony has a show?

Pretty sure Compound media went under a year ago.

That won’t stop your credit card from being billed, though.

The web guy is working on the "cancel subscription" button, honest. It'll be fixed any month now - Customer Support Keith

Who's Anthony?

Anthony is a homosexual

I feel this simple fact gets overlooked here sometimes.

And a pedophile.

Shit. How did I forget that?

It happens to the best of us, brotherman.

Ant and Keith were the main players in the success of GAS digital. Without their complete incompetence, a Puerto Rican raised by criminals would have never formed it.

Ant sounds jealous he's left out of the party.

Poor nana

this is the last straw!

Does Anthony even realize that LOS laughs at him and his dogshit network?

My ears are burning.

"I've never done this before but I am absolutely positive I could do a better job"

Even the heroin addicted mouth breathers from CumTown could do a better job than Ant at podcasting.

Ant is floundering in one of the biggest media growth industries this era, preferring to stick with his 100 garbage people yes-men fans.

His lazy ass has totally given in to mediocrity just like his brother and his deadbeat dad.

They actually paid for a lot of GAS' early back catalogue.

Luis told Ant he wanted all the episodes Compound had paid for for free, and he wanted Compound to take them down so all the Skanks fans would junp ship.

Ant, being unapologetically masculine, complied.

That was Anthony trying to unload as much of the financial burden as he could as the network fails.

Who offers someone 50% of their business and can't even get him to call into your dumb show once.

When was last time tranthpa had someone as big or relevant as ddp on his basement Uzbekistan’s public access show? Like he should talk wallowing among the open mic antics of the Matt summers or Scott Higgins of the world.

Maybe you haven’t heard of a little gentleman named BOB LEVY?

you mean the reverend????

What about Felipe Esparza, Brad Jensen, and Johnny Beener?

All the heavy hitters at once?

Johnny Beener

Was it just the puppet, or did Jeff Dunham come along too?

Matt Holt Rulezzzzz 🤙🏿

He's got Bob Landau on there four days a week as well.

Who are these people

I don't even know who Bob Levy is.

He needed da money!!!

I'm gonna make it rain MONEY from ABOVE

I just imagine all these scorned ex twitter replies of his about Opie read out in Anthony's in vino veritas drunk lisping cocksucker voice.

He does sound like a total sloppy power bottom.

Why does he sound like a 14yr old girl? Is it because that's his 'fuckable' age demographic he turns into the type of sissy he wants to fuck?


Why don't these faggots just call each other and talk like fucking men?

Maybe Opie doesn't want to work again with a child grooming pedophile.

For one Anthony is not a man.

AntH didn't want to talk to Opie in private or go out for a beer like Opie had suggested to discuss the future of their brand. And Like the destroyer said last year, he's out of the Cumia business. Can't blame him, AntH did how many Gregshells episodes and spread rumors and innuendo about infighting between Opie and Jimmy?

honestly Opie should be having this conversation with Luis in private

You don't know that he didn't do this in private first. This could just be a smart (and cheap!) way to generate buzz.

His tweet successfully posted, Anthony drank a bud lite out of the side of his mouth

While his belt line widens while simotanelously feeling light because he's too immature to be allowed to own firearms.

Anthony should be reminded that a few years ago he, live on his garbage show, made his guest wait silently while he called into Opie & Jim's special show.

The Phoenix rises.

Along with his massive pud.

The Opster always wins in the end.

opie's podcast was embarrassing

You sir have the poor taste of a compound subscriber. Now please leave us gentlemen alone to discuss the future of podcasting.

Brothaman feeling fresh, he's taken a few years sabbatical and now ready to go back to the radio biz, back to the big leagues, while Nana's is just going to continue to dive down the drain.

So Opie has restaurant owners and yoga/fitness buffs on his show and Anthony has black crime social psychologists on his show.

Not only is Anthony incapable of pulling together this kind of scratch, but Opie's probably good for a thousand or so subscribers and some advertisers as well. Anthony's got him beat in subscribers (but not by much), but the Destroyer wins in every other category.

We're coming up on 5 years since Opie dumped Ant, and Ant still can't move on.

Time to legion of skanks boys!

I'm downloading everything because fuck Nana. O captain, my captain.