When you want to tackle the day’s news stories/reach a new audience/be relevant, but your co-hosts insist on talking about Quint’s monologue from Jaws for the 1,000th time

128  2019-06-22 by wwendell


I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say Opie intentional stamped all over bits to save us from Jim talking about juicy cocks for the 1000th time.

"Big, delicious, unclipped meaty gifts?"

Yeah, Jim, everyone sucked their friends dicks and let the neighbourhood bully hold their head underwater and piss in their mouth. That's just normal guy stuff growing up.

Oh wait, actually no it isn't, you goddamned homosexual queer.

I don’t know how there weren’t any callers that day defending the interns. Maybe it’s because I grew up in a nicer area where kids weren’t getting molested, but my friends and I only wanted to run out in the woods and play ninja before we hit puberty. The gayest thing I ever did at that age was pretend I was a ghostbuster while I was pissing next to a friend and yell “don’t cross the streams”.

I'll admit when I was like 11 me and a couple friends found a playboy at a construction site and jerked off to it together but afterwards we realized it was wierd and gay. If little Jimmy was with us he would've tried to touch our cocks.

Hey, Fugga6969, just a quick heads-up:
wierd is actually spelled weird. You can remember it by e before i.
Have a nice day!

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Hahahaha u/fugga6969 is a dyslexic idiot.

Is the British public school buggery stuff exaggerated?

I can only speak from my personal experience. I went to one of the actual English public schools (there are only 9 by the actual definition) and, out of around 100 boys in my year there were only 3 openly gay chaps. The first was as queer as a coot and the other 2 were boarders who it seems now carried on as a couple mostly as an attention-seeking thing and to appear artsy and bohemian. Both were obsessed with Brideshead Revisited and one was the grandson of Oswald Mosley. Both are married to women now. The first guy is an actor - big surprise.

However, the one I went to was in London and around 3 quarters of us were day boys. There were girls around everywhere. I guess some of the more rugger bugger, rural boarding schools like Eton, Charterhouse and Harrow etc are more sodomy-oriented, or at least were back in the day. I think Churchill described his old school, Harrow, as "a hotbed of buggery."

I went to boarding school and from what I heard the faggotry ended when girls were admitted.

Don't know what Jim's deal was

. The first guy is an actor - big surprise.

Hugh Jackman.

No, he's a nobody.

Jeremy Piven


It's a right of passage for the British establishment , I remember Richard dawkins shilling for the shadow Gov pedo scandal , saying it's normal for kids to get molested and their shouldn't be such a fuss about . that's what happens when you believe in the fake evolution theory (dogma) . Stephen Fry is also a Pedo .

Go away Alex Jones

Yeah, all Brits are total fags, Christopher Hitchens admitted it.


Hitchens was a jew

Good looking out . Look how many dislikes i got , this forum is completely infiltrated .

Stephen Fry is a also a jew

"EVERYONE touched their friends cocks at that age!"

  • an infuriated Norton as he remained convinced everyone was lying to him about blowing their buddies.

No wonder he went to the phones so much. My God.

his trick was doing it when it “appeared” to stop a great bit

if he waited until the bit burnt out it would look like they were going to the phones cause they were spent, this way it makes the show seem super fast paced and hella interactive

opie is an autistic savant when it comes to steering the ship

Something something " DOLL EYES..." AUGHHH AWNOLD.... AUGHHH!

"It's a very difficult situationnnn...

Anthony: “...and OBAMA! This guy...”

Candy Crush noises

Currently listening to 2013 shows. I have to skip forward 20-30 minutes every time Obama does anything or someone mentions a gun.

Skipping that nonsense lets you skip right to the good parts of 2013 shows: bitching about the studio/management, apology clock, cronuts and 20-minute youtube videos of Russians climbing things.

You’re right. Those really are the highlights

The fact that there were any contract negotiations at all by that point proves Sirius/XM is some kind of money laundering operation.

Fucking cronuts. I want Roland to drop dead as soon as possible. His stupid fucking fat food hipster shit was sickening. Maybe the most creepy fuck on the planet

When you want to talk about how big of a mentor and father figure Brother Wease is, but an elderly woman with a bovine brother starts ranting about blacks and FBI crime statistics.

opie has more wealth than ant and jim put together

you know this

opie got fired from a platform he paid to be on. LOOL

oh my sides are splitting, folks. the desperate coping on this sub by opies korean bots. oh hee ha hoo. the cumias win again! also, opie is an active pedophile

Beep boop your a gag.

This is why I liked opie. Keep it topical guys