"He (Dad) used to say it to my brother especially...'Joseph, you've got no goddamn common sense....have some goddamn common sense' all the time"

14  2019-06-21 by TheMaestro2


Maybe we are too hard on joe sr. He knew Ant was a fag and that joe was a retard. No wonder he left his family and didn’t try to make anymore abominations.

He also "accidentally" shot at Joe one time he traveled cross country to visit him.

And I’m so happy he missed. That mongoloid has given me a lifetime of laughs.

It really does put it in perspective. He tried to get away as far away from them as possible within the continental United States, once he realised his male heirs were a mongoloid and a cocksucker, but those two duds kept following him around. Poor guy.

Let’s be clear here, nana has zero Joe sr dna in him. He was the product of a gravel skinned serial rapist who drove a Nash rambler from town to town in the late 50s early 60s. Made a modest living grifting at gas stations and shoplifting. During one of his Suffolk county trips he happened across a strip club that offered special services for traveling gentlemen. Viola, a baby nana. Joe and the sister look like joe sr so we’d need dna to prove it.

"Or self respect have some god damn self respect... Now go get your faggy little brother joey take moms shoes off him and get in the shower sower so I can piss on you two braindead faggots."

forgot to include that but the fact that failed Joe Sr told his sons to have self respect is equally as good

Yea you really have to be a pile of stupid cow shit to have a gay cowboy named joe piss on you and tell you that you have no self respect or common sense. This is comming from a drunk gay cos playing cowboy FATHER OF THREE who had no job and stole from vending machines. Joe you stupid brain dead faggot so glad you are gonna be dead soon.