Still thinks he's a kid. Starting to look pretty fucking middle-aged there, Troy "Quan." Time to trade the skateboard in for some golf clubs, old man.

29  2019-06-20 by McGowan9


Chucking women off of cliffs keeps him young.

Much like Nana with Sue gu

Nana got Sue's goo in his poo

Did he....ummmm....piss himself?

No doubt one of Sam's wacky "bits." Huh huh huh

Sam should give him a wacky morning zoo name, like Pee Pants. Something clever like that.

Their correspondent on all things ‘fire’ is incontinent, he got piss all over his yeezys and he’s still not the least qualified for his position in that room

Definition of a Poser.

Tiny hands epidemic ovah thare.

It's from never having a real job their whole life.

This is the guy that everyone on that show thought was the coolest thing walking.

It also tells you what mutants they all are. Norton, Roberts and Cumia in particular always cooing about what a handsome ladies man he is. You'd think he looked like the face on a Roman coin or a male model who likes girls rather than a big eared Jew hipster.

Not everyone.

Got any interesting rape/murder-related Troy Quan anectdotes you could illuminate us on, Dan?

No, because I never hung out with Troy. The most I hung out with Troy was at the Primus show where me and Little Nicky smoked some bud and squashed our "beef". But, you don't really "hang out" with somebody at a concert. You just sorta stand there and enjoy it together.

Sick flaming skull tattoo bro. You must be tough.

Yeah those have aged well, no ragrets.

Retarded Elon Musk

Nothing sadder than an aging hipster who can't let go

Only a boomerfag would conflate him, his khaki pants, blue Oxford, and his badass chest tiger and neck rosecum tats with hipsters.

Hipsters carve out weird niche interests, obscure hobbies, underground music, and unique dress/style and are usually trend starters.

He's a trend chaser. If it's popular and he can exploit the attention for his own ends, he's all about it. The extent of his music knowledge is fags like Morrissey, basics like Beatles, and DJs because that's his current "hustle".

Thanks for the clarification. We used to just call em faggots back in the day

Yeah that was unnecessarily long-winded.

Hipsters are those weird but interesting people you avoid.

Troy is the basic, uninteresting trendy bro you can't avoid.

You should really rethink your life

Nah, I'm good. But you can tell the sub demos have shifted because a Troy slam has never been divisive.

Shut the tuck up you faggot hipster

Someone would’ve had to enjoy it for it to be divisive.


Can really see why Troy and Sam are butt buddies. Two sad, middle aged children who try and latch on to any current trend for relevance. Pathetic.

I wouldn't say Sam is trend chaser. He likes grease opera, action figures, sneakers - he's a loserly 90s kid. But AFAICR, like 95% of "show prep" is checking Twitter Trends and assuming everyone cares what legit Internet homos care about.

And only faggot millennial retards call every gen x person they meet a boomer even though the boomer cutoff is 1960.

Millennials are the fucking dumbest generation in any country in any year ever.

Is this photoshopped? He looks like he has a hank hill-eske body

It's just a screengrab from the Jim and Sam Twitter account

Often manipulated and taken out of context

Not this time. He really just has a puppet head and T-rex arms.

This should serve as a warning to any retard who gets sleeve tattoos and expects to live past 30

Didn't he get breast reduction surgery?

What a shame, he had a pair of beauts

When I was 18/19 there was this guy I knew who was clinging onto his youth like this. I see him now and he's still at gigs and showing off his tats etc. He's 56.

Troy won't change.

Can't wait for him to get clotheslined by a bouncer because he went apeshit after a girl called him old

Nice tattoo sleeves you fucking ultra closet faggot. Is that a flaming skull? Fuck off.

Maybe trade in some of those tattoos for a job.

Old man pale face.

Nice giant head, stupid