I knew he was full of shit

23  2019-06-20 by SueFuckedAnt


He acts like his shows are long lost Hendrix recordings, fucking dope.

What are you talking about? This is the rebirth of a once great institution. Move over Anthony, time for the real talent in the family to take over.

We need this guys!Everybody pony up a dollar!!

Times must be hard if he's trying to sell these pointless shit shows.

He's convinced we are all desperate enough for his content

I hope none of the artists here buy them, as much shit as the sub could get from them, putting one dollar in that zilch’s pocket is a sickening thought.

He will pull a norton

He should release them every time he gets a dollar. Be realistic Joey.

Wait a minute. Hold on. Slow down.


So that's it then. Anthony officially can't afford to pay Joe a salary anymore. This is going to get good. He'll be either homeless or facing larceny charges by 2020.

That's exactly what's bringing this on

He quit his fake bands because Anth can't afford to pay for their travel anymore

Didn’t he humiliate himself enough with his indegogo campaign that got him $223?

The fat moose is incapable of learning from his past mistakes. It's one of the traits that defines his endless stupidity.

still can't believe he named his daughter layla, that is retarded. she'll get bullied for having a stupid name you bovine head prick.

meet my son, Halen..

Yeah, because a show where one of the stars is Big A, a guy who can't fucking talk, sounds great and is worth 31K

Fuck you man, I ADMITTED they were ABSURD.... so really you reddittards are laughing WITH me, not against me so I win again.

Can you pledge .1 Venezuelan dollar?

Once upon a time he was asking only for $10K.


Price of the brick done went up.