Well…she got one thing right

20  2019-06-14 by JMueller2012



Gabby from YKWD

Who and what

I know what YWKD is. Bobby Kellys podcast. You Know What Dude

Bob has a podcast? I say good for him.

I guess. The only clip ive seen of it is Sue Lightening on as a guest and she faked a Russian accent. No one watches it because its behind a paywall anyways.

Boomers and their paywalls.

It’s not behind a paywall. It streams on YouTube like twice a week and episodes come out on Sunday.

And still no one watches it.

Needs more it in guests

oh do they have a lot of people on different split screens?

Not that I'm aware of

Pa'haps more dan dat!

Pa'haps more dan dat!

You know how old guys like to have young comediennes on to discuss things with edge to?

Chip had Dave Smith's wife, Luis has Shannon, Callen has Schaub...

This is Robert' Kelly's version. She's mostly famous for having a dad who played saxophone for Def Leppard.

You know we really need more female input on comedy

This photo perfectly encapsulates all her comic ability. Photographer is some kind of genius.

Awful tattoos and a tasteless shirt. This is the modern American woman.

You forgot the plastic surgery, but yeah.

Ugh barely looked at her face til now. She looks weird as hell. Nice aging gracefully, stupid. Does plastic surgery on the face actually work? It makes people look so fucking strange

She has Renee Zelweger syndrome.

she’s 25

Rough 25. Her stupid shirt is obscuring her beefers, are they any good?

doubt it


Bitch looks like Billy Zane.

That's one dimply broad.

Who butchered that lip job and how long ago did he lose his medical licence?

She’s more forgettable than the keyboardist from Bon Jovi.

Hate this bitch. Tried to hate jerk it to her once, not one fappable pjc on her instagram. Worthless, unfunny, boring cunt.


I had a whole thing typed out trashing Kelsey Cook just now, and then I read a comment below explaining who this girl was and where I knew her from. I would have posted it and probably never once realized my mistake. That's how unremarkable these "comediennes" are.

Kelsey has a way stronger body of work

I want to poke her eyes with my penis

I hope your penis is a corkscrew

No, but I am a very determined individual

Her face looks like a shitty photoshop. The longer you look at it the more unsettling it becomes.

That cunt Gabby Long Neck banned me from their live chat.

But as a civilian, I guess Women are funny? Especially tribeswomen whos daddy plays the keytar in one of Bawbby's favorite bands, Bon Jovi.

The sheer number of nobodies this subreddit keeps track of is staggering .

She's only famous because her dad played drums for Warrant.

I would eat her ass