That Nixon guy really MOTHERFUCKED me man.

132  2019-06-14 by Hokaido251



Dwight D was a real ass dude.

That man defeated actual Nazis. I wonder what RPM he’s achieving spinning in his fucking grave over what this country became.

7001, Bob.

He was a faggot.

General Patton knew the truth:

"Disturbingly, Patton had zero sympathy for the Holocaust victims living in wretched, overcrowded collection camps under his command. He was unable to imagine that people living in such misery were not there because of their own flaws. The displaced Jews were “locusts,” “lower than animals,” “lost to all decency.” They were “a subhuman species without any of the cultural or social refinements of our times,” Patton wrote in his diary. A United Nations aid worker tried to explain that they were traumatized, but “personally I doubt it. I have never looked at a group of people who seem to be more lacking in intelligence and spirit.” (Patton was no friend to Arabs, either; in a 1943 letter, he called them “the mixture of all the bad races on earth.”)"

"The orders from above—Eisenhower wanted him to confiscate the houses of wealthy Germans so Jewish survivors could live in them—embittered Patton. His beloved Third Army was decaying as troops decamped for home, discipline vanished, and meanwhile, “the displaced sons-of-bitches in the various camps are blooming like green trees,” he wrote a friend."

"He saw journalists’ criticism of his handling of the Jews and the return of Nazis to high official positions as a result of Jewish and Communist plots. The New York Times and other publications were “trying to do two things,” he wrote, “First, implement Communism, and second, see that all business men of German ancestry and non-Jewish antecedents are thrown out of their jobs.”

"As reports on the conditions in Bavaria began to alarm Truman, Eisenhower came down from Frankfurt on September 17 to join Patton on a tour of the camps where Jewish refugees were housed. He was horrified to find that some of the guards were former SS men. During the tour, Patton remarked that the camps had been clean and decent before the arrival of the Jewish “DPs” (displaced persons), who were “pissing and crapping all over the place.” Eisenhower told Patton to shut up, but he continued his diatribe, telling Eisenhower he planned to make a nearby German village “a concentration camp for some of these goddam Jews.”

This is a bitter pill to accept when it comes to the men who fought against Germany. Despite their many hardships, they made communism win on a global scale and their actions led to child drag queens in 2019.

they made communism win on a global scale

What the fuck are you talking about. You're either mixed up or you just don't know. Communism didn't win anything, not the economic war not the cultural war, nothing. You really think Stalin et al would have any time for >child drag queens in 2019?

If your issue with things is the general faggotry of the modern world (an understandable gripe) then the culprit is closer to home. It's pure unadulterated individualism at the expense of everything else. That and the decline of religion in the west. Communism? No. Unless you just use "Communism" as a byword for extremely permissive liberalism, which is really about the polar opposite of what it means.

And now these scccccumbags are trying to impeach us.


Nixon might be the best Futurama character
