Virtue signaling.

27  2019-06-13 by GhostofRoeCumia


He should put a bag over his head.

There's Anthony thinking he's throwing off the Feds by acting like he isn't a pedophile. You're not fooling anyone bub.


Good input, Wólveríne.

remember he got that chris pedo guy to arrest him in he own home

He's just jealous he didn't get some of that pussy


He looks at least 35.

Nothing--and I mean NOTHING--pisses off a Cumia more than the thought of a child he can't fuck.

He could always use one of brother's cheap Chinese guitars as a shovel...

too bad he only help those thats above the age of 8



Oh sure, its legal to rape and kill a fetus, but not to rape and kill a baby? Fucking libtardz.

How much guilty do you feel when you jerk off?

Pretty sure it's illegal to remove a fetus with the expressed intention of raping it.

1 day on Reddit... stupid posts... acting ultra conservative.... probably Joe

I thought that comment was meant as a spot-on parody of one of Joe's bowel movement-like thoughts, but you're probably right.

We need to change that law. My baby, my choice!

Why does it seem like half the people who post stuff like this are pedophiles trying to protect themselves

Thats what hes doing. “I never fucked a BABY!”....

No Ant. You just fuck preteen girls.

like homo politicians trying to pass anti fag laws

It's pure projection. Anthony is the neighbor's dad from American Beauty.

Nick Mullin is really getting edgy these days.

Gold star to whoever reports the tweet for violent and hateful language.

he usually only post crimes that involve blacks or hispanics

He knows that the man is white? What is he doing!?!

You're right, Ant - we should kill paedophiles. Now, if you'll just put your head through this noose...

"What, you've never seen a hot fucking infant child before?"


You need to be at least 13 for Anthony to want to fuck you.


nice cadence stupid

Anthony has the decent to at least kill them first.

Anthony is upset because he's been grooming this one for 6 months already. It's OK though guys, he never acts on it until she's close to her 16th birthday. Nothing illegal about that

I always find it so weird when childless old men pretend to be super mad at pedophiles. Like nigga you are the pedophile stereotype, doth protest too much perhaps?

"DAMN I hate child rapist murderers"


So Giovanni Ribisi finally snapped.
Nice cult life, stupid.

That guy gets death for rape and murder, Ant gets chemical castration for being a pedo WIN WIN.