This is what ACTUAL mental illness looks like. Joe, get a fucking life and spend time with all 13 of your kids before your arteries commit seppuku

14  2019-06-06 by RamonFrunkis


Glad you spent 90 minutes of what passes as your "life" sending 204 comment replies /u/FiatBarbie

Took 60 seconds to report you directly to the admins and petition an IP ban. Goodbye to your 73rd (and hopefully final!) reddit account, Joseph Colleen Cumia.

Unbelievable. Even Joe noticed that this was just a script, when it followed him.

About the IP ban, I don't have a static IP: new IP, new access. Do you have any clue about the technology you use daily, you consumerist fucking faggot?

Another thing, you are as much of a fucking bitch as Joe is.

Hi, FiatBarbie!

I am dropping by to offer you a robot hug and wish you a wonderful day!


What kind of a gay faggot actually took the time to code this shit?

The guy who replies to every single comment then goes "wuh.. whahappun I dindu nuffin" is calling me a bitch? Amazing!

The user-on-user spamming for... what reason? Because I called you pathetic for digging through my post history six months back to "slam" me for mocking the YouTube Rewind shit? That is actually the definition of pathetic and makes your petty, pointless little exercise even more puerile.

I know waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more about the technology than you do, but like most things if you have to talk about how much you know, you don't know shit. Reddit has every single bit of tracking info on you that you can imagine and if you keep going with your botspam, you'll find out.

It's basically the only thing they hate more than your obsession with small children.

No idea what you are talking about?

Your unmarried hag is a disgusting, turkey necked, embarrassing mess who pisses the bed. Fight me you old, bald nothing. PM me right fucking now and we can settle this, you stolen valor potato peeler.

We have the receipts child

Wasn't this fiatbarbie account being used as a boy to call Joe a faggot every time he posted? Kinda seems like a troll, guys.

See, that's funny and relevant. Pointing it go back to reply to year old archived comments against a sub contributor then go wha happun dindu is the epitome of fayg.

The denial was just a goof. Won't happen again.